The Muslim Observer, well-known Islamic weekly of America, published the last section of Mr. Adnan Oktar’s book called “The Secrets of the Hypocrites” that was publised as an article series on December 18th, 2009.
The Secrets Of The Hypocrite Article Series
Secret in the Seed
The secret of modesty
Surat an-Nisa' (Hypocrites)
The Secret of Happiness
The State Of Hypocrites In The Hereafter
The hypocrites will be fearful of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Secrets Of Submission To One's Fate
The secret beyond matter is not Wahdatul Wujood
The hypocrite makes friends not with the believer but with the irreligious
Hypocrites Keep Reality Away
There is a great secret in the difficult tests undergone by the Prophets
The view of idolaters and hypocrites on women
Mahdi (as) will initially wage his intellectual struggle in secret
Comprehending the secret behind the life of this world
The secret of firefly efficiency
The secret insincerity of those caught up in despair
The foolishness of hypocrites - I
The Global Secret State Plan to Split Up Turkey
Secret beyond matter
Surat Al-Ahzab, (struggle with the hypocrites)
Surat an-Naml, 24 (Hypocrites)
Surat al-Baqara, 14 (hypocrites)
Hypocrites being the troublemakers and coldhearted
Hypocrites try to suppress the love between Muslims with lies and slanders