in Afghanistan towards the religious books
The reason behind the school attack in France is||Excerpts
Disunity: The Reason Behind The Bloodshed in The Islamic World
Disunity: The Reason Behind The Bloodshed In The Islamic World
The reason behind Turkey’s not being accepted in EU is bigotry
Darwinism is the reason for the Egyptian government's attitude toward Gaza
Darwinist Education at Schools is the Main Reason Behind the Violence and Terrorism
Will the “Freedom Act” Bring Real Freedom to Americans?
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with|| Excerpts
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with Sheikh Bahaddin|| Conversations
Had Whitney Houston been living by the morality of Islam || Excerpt from conversation
Trapped behind the walls
Reasons Of Misinterpretation Of The Quran
Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation with Ms. Yvonne Ridley || Conversation
The compassion of Turkish soldiers
Crabs that are real estate agents
The Real Cost of Middle East Wars
In Afghanistan even foreign soldiers wear Turkish bands
The secret behind the creation of good and evil
What Is the Main Reason for the Crisis in Countries’ Economies?
Disunity: The Reason Behind The Bloodshed In The Islamic World || News Rescue