Imam Jafar al-Sadiq explains that we see the whole image on a place as small as a lentil inside our brains
The Minuscule Cinema Inside our Brain
Allah creates our world as images in the brain
Everything we perceive with our five senses is the interpretation of electric signals in our brains
The minuscule cinema inside our brain
The original of the matter created in the brain: you must first read this to see the artistry of Allah!
Reha Muhtar: We Live Inside Our Brains, Not Outside
Universities should be places where terrorism ends, not its breeding ground
Fostering a sense of unity - 2
The images visualized and dreams
The Brain’s Impeccable Communication Network
The headscarf is not the issue, freedom is || The Malaysian Insider
America Is Becoming Muslim From The Inside
Myanmar's self-image as a nation must change
The coelacanth that evolutionists claim as a transitional form is living in the seas as a perfect life form
Allah’s Different Forms of Creation
God creates our world as images in the brain
Time and place for prayer
Ability to See the Signs of God
Response To The Darwinist Deceptions In The News Site Malaysian Insider
The deception that therapsids are transiitional forms
How To See The Good In Things That Happen
The Myth of the Evolution of the Brain in The Daily Telegraph
Seeing the big picture