The Myth of the Evolution of Fish with Lungs
Evolutionists resort to evolutionist tales regarding fish with lungs and maintain that these fish were the first vertebrates to move from water to dry land. However, the idea of the passage from water to dry land and the role assumed to have been played in this scenario by fish with lungs stem solely from blind devotion to the theory of evolution. Evolutionists are unable to produce any concrete evidence to support their claims. This can clearly be seen from Darwinist writings. One sees tales about how fish supposedly developed lungs in order to be able to make use of the oxygen in the air and how their fins turned into feet to enable them to walk on land. But these people are unable to produce any fossil evidence for their claims. The reason for this is clear: such a passage is entirely imaginary and there is no scientific evidence to support it.

On the contrary, the scientific evidence refutes these Darwinist tales. The weakness of the evolutionary myths about fish with lungs is a fact explicitly and frequently brought up even in evolutionist literature.

Fish with lungs are able to breathe air and to survive in dry periods thanks to an astonishing metabolic arrangement and system. These fish, which have to rise to the surface approximately every 20 minutes, bury themselves inside a cocoon made of mud in dry seasons when the waters retract and enter into a kind of summer sleep, known as aestivation. This time, when their metabolisms slow down enormously, will last for months, or sometimes even for years, until the rains begin again.

Some evolutionists claim that these creatures are left over from this so called period, living transitional forms. According to this entirely imaginary evolutionist fantasy, the fish in question were imprisoned in very small bodies of water caused by a drought in the Devonian Period, some 300 million years ago, and learned how to walk from one pool to another. Some evolutionists regard these fish as the supposed ancestors of amphibians (and quadrupeds).

There are enormous difference, in terms of skeletons and organs, between amphibians and the fish with lungs alleged to be their ancestors. In a paper published in the Journal of Molecular Evolution the researchers C. Marshall and H. P. Schultz wrote that, "Morphological analysis of the "living fossils," the coelacanth and lungfish, has only lead to confusion regarding possible evolution of tetrapods.” (Marshall C. and Schultze HP. Journal of Molecular Evolution 35 (2): 93-101, 1992.)

A paper in the Proceedings of the Linnean Society admitted the dilemma facing the supposed evolutionary origins of fish with lungs – portrayed as resting on very sure foundations:

"… the lungfishes, like every other major group of fishes that I know, have their origins firmly based in nothing." (Quoted in W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited [Nashville: Regency, 1991; originally published by Philosophical Library, 1987], 1:62-63)

In his book “Evolution: A Theory in Crisis,” the molecular biologist Michael Denton wrote that evolutionists described fish with lungs as a transitional form between fish and amphibians, but said that the individual characteristics of fish with lungs "in no way represent a realistic passage between the two." ("Evolution: A Theory in Crisis", Michael Denton, Adler and Adler: Bethesda, Maryland, 3rd ed. 1986, p. 109)

The fossil record also deals a heavy blow to evolutionist scenarios regarding fish with lungs. These have remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years and fossils belonging to these creatures are identical to specimens living today. Not a single fossil exists to justify the claim that the lungs in this fish developed gradually. This shows that fish with lungs are rather evidence against evolution, not for it. It is clear in the light of the above facts that the idea that fish with lungs represent an evolutionary phase is simply a fantasy.

What evolutionists are doing is to try to spread a scenario about fish with lungs as if they were the scientific truth and to ignore the objections to that scenario that can easily be found in the scientific literature. This is a blind endeavor to spread Darwinist propaganda with unscientific myths.

Like all living things, fish with lungs exhibited sublime complexities far beyond the reach of even the most advanced technologies. And like all living things they are proof of a flawless Creation. The idea that fish one day moved from the water to dry land and developed lungs and feet with the help of blind chance is a myth. The truth is that Almighty Allah has perfectly created these animals.