Manufacturing plants contain highly important systems for industry. The materials scheduled for production are manufactured in a systematic, high-quality and controlled manner. Many machines and equipment are required for even a single product. Engineers, scientists and laborers work together to produce these machines. Systems that will produce the best outcomes are produced through detailed calculations and designs. This work is never left to chance. On the contrary, every stage of manufacturing is kept under strict control. Modern biology and genetics have shown, just as in these examples, that there are high-technology factories and production plants in the living world, as well. One of these involves the production of amino acids, the basic building blocks of the body.

You of course realize that the production plant you are seeing here did not come into being by chance. Our cells also have their own production plants. These all show that all the systems in living things are under the control of a sublime mind.

The Amino Acid Miracle

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. There are 20 types of amino acid in living things. Enzymes and the complex manufacturers in the cell use amino acids to build skyscraper-like giant molecules, or proteins. Controlling the amount of amino acids is therefore a most important task.

Amino acids form as the result of an exceptionally detailed chain of production. There are enzymes that work with great care for amino acid production. However, there is one very interesting detail here. Enzymes also consist of protein structures, and are therefore also made up of amino acids. Gradual evolution is therefore out of the question. There can be no enzyme production without amino acids, and no amino acid production without enzymes.

Twenty types of amino acid are used in protein production. The production of these 20 amino acids inside the cell is a miracle because the enzymes responsible for production also consist of amino acids.

Proteins are giant structures, just like skyscrapers, in the molecular world. Of course, no skyscraper comes into being by chance. And neither does an exceedingly complex protein.

Details of the System

The amino acids used in living things consist of atoms such as carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. These substances are worked by scores of enzymes, operating just like master craftsmen. Each enzyme is involved in only one task; it assembles a single amino acid in a single area of a single molecule. They perform that task perfectly and to the letter. Enzymes work like workers on a production line. Each one goes into action at just the right time. They continue to take over a substance produced by one enzyme and then to hand it on to another. The absence of just one enzyme, or even a tiny flaw in its architecture, will bring the whole system down.

The construction sector is one of the world’s major commercial spheres. Factories are needed to manufacture the materials used in construction. Structural materials such as roof tiles used in construction are also made in factories. A similar situation applies in our cells. Amino acids are like bricks that build proteins. Just like brick and iron/steel factories, cells have their own production lines for the manufacture of amino acids.

A diagram showing the formation of amino acids. Each arrow represents the chemical processes required for amino acids to form. There are enzymes responsible for each chemical process. Therefore, several  enzymes are responsible just for amino acid production in our cells. As we have seen, amino acid production takes place in a highly controlled manner. There is no room for chance in the cell. In addition, these enzymes that assemble a single atom in a molecular mass are also made up of amino acids. And this shows that the system was created as a whole.

For example, 25 enzymes work in collaboration just in order to produce six of the 20 types of amino acids in bacteria – methionine, threonine, lysine, isoleucine, valine and leucine. [i] The raw materials used by these enzymes cannot be obtained through random processes. These raw materials are again produced by many enzymes in collaboration. Their production is a miracle all by itself.

The workers on the production line in a factory loyally and devotedly carry out procedures one after the other. All have their own functions. The absence of one of the workers performing these tasks will cause the product to be faulty and useless. The presence of enzymes, which are far more complex than amino acids, is essential for the production of amino acids, the basic building blocks of the cell. Life is an exceedingly complex whole in which there is no room for chance.

The Striking Truth Hidden in the Amino Acid Production System

Evolutionists claim, in the light of their superstitious beliefs, that living things developed gradually, by chance, from the primitive to the more advanced. Accordingly, they refer to bacteria as primitive life forms. Yet careful examination of any bacterium will reveal that it is equipped with exceptionally complex systems. A single bacterium is equipped with a more complex and advanced technology than those found in modern cities:

Only 10 of the amino acids necessary for protein production in the human cell can be manufactured in the body. We therefore obtain amino acids by consuming amino acids produced in other living things. Yet bacteria produce all 20 types of amino acid. [ii] Living forms that evolutionists regard as primitive are far ahead when it comes to the manufacture of amino acids, the basic mechanism of life.

Deficiencies in Enzymes in the Manufacture of Amino Acids Leads to Sickness and Death, Not to Progress

We have seen how many enzymes are involved in the synthesis of amino acids, the building blocks of protein and  much smaller than them. However, any gaps in these enzymes, or even the slightest error, leads to disease and death. This shows how sensitive the system is, how it leaves no room for error and how it could not have come into being gradually. All the components of the system have to be present together. And that is only possible with Creation.

For example, genetic errors in the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase - used in the manufacture of the amino acid tyrosine - may cause mental retardation, irregular temperature control, impaired gait and paralysis. [iii]

Parkinson’s disease is also associated with a decrease in the cells manufacturing dopamine, also obtained from amino acids. [iv]

Not only the manufacture of amino acids is regulated, but also destruction within the cell. Deficiencies in the enzymes responsible for this task cause death and disease. Mutations in the genes that code the enzyme alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase cause the disease MSUD, that results in physical and mental retardation and death. [v]

The details in the production of proteins and amino acids reveal that life is arranged in such a way as to leave no room for chance. Not one single protein can come into being by chance. Neither can the complex system that manufactures the building blocks of proteins, amino acids in other words, come about by chance. A far more complex system has been created for a single product. Any flaw in this structure will lead, not to progress in living things, but to sickness and death. Life, with all its details, is a clear miracle from Allah.




[i]           Lehninger Biyokimyanın İlkeleri, David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox, Palme Press, 2005, Üçüncü Baskıdan Çeviri, Sayfa 832, 833

[ii]           Lehninger Biyokimyanın İlkeleri, David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox, Palme Press, 2005, Üçüncü Baskıdan Çeviri, Sayfa 827

[iii]          Medical Biochemistry Human Metabolism in Health and Disease, Miriam D. Rosenthal, Robert H. Glew, A John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publication, 2009, p.  322-323

[iv]          Medical Biochemistry Human Metabolism in Health and Disease, Miriam D. Rosenthal, Robert H. Glew, A John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publication, 2009, Sayfa   324

[v]           Medical Biochemistry Human Metabolism in Health and Disease, Miriam D. Rosenthal, Robert H. Glew, A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication, 2009, Sayfa   322