The key to peace, order and justice in the world

The key to peace, order and justice in the world


Although officially it is not often verbalised, the US is usually perceived as playing a leading role in wars, conflicts and many global projects of the world today. Consequentially, the US has been the target for the most negative reactions. Even allies such as Britain and France, the countries which usually support and act together with the US most of the time due to their common military, political and economic interests, do not usually become targets of such criticism and reactions. The ramification and target of such extreme reactions is mostly the US, the bearer of the title for the greatest global power.

Some questions about whether or not the US is executing these policies independently or is influenced by more shadowy  powers, may shed some light as to why it is currently the number one target for extremists. Did the US participate in these wars that rose from imperialistic ambitions of its own volition or was it dragged into these wars and exploited? 

In order to accurately comprehend the answers to these questions, it is important to remember that the US itself had been a sufferer of imperialism in the first place.

The 13 colonies in North America, which were under the rigid strain and pressure of British Empire, became victorious with the war of independence in 1783, thus laying the foundation for the US. Even though the US adopted the principle of isolating itself from Europe following the war, it was uncomfortable with the ongoing interest of Europe in America. 

On December 2, 1823, the fifth US president James Monroe issued the following warning in his message he sent to the US Congress: The United States do not meddle with European issues and has no political interests in Europe. Europe, in turn, should not concern itself with America. Despite this, if Europe sets foot on the continent of America and attempts a venture in colonialism, the US will consider it as a hostile action. 

However, the British Empire’s interference in the US did not cease. By provoking southern states into rebellion, and fuelling the civil war, the empire maintained its efforts to both thwart Lincoln’s anti-slavery administration and to re-capture the US. Yet, the empire was not successful. 

How colonial British mentality regarded the US was clear from the British economist Stanley Jevons’s statements in 1865: The plains of North America and Russia are our corn fields; Chicago and Odessa are our granaries... on the western prairies of North America are our herd of oxen... and our cotton grounds, which for long have occupied the southern United States, are now being extended everywhere in the warm regions of the earth. (The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, Paul Kennedy, 1987)

Since its foundation, the US has been fighting against colonialism and has been the target of colonialism. Given such a history and the fact that the US is known for its commitment to national traditions and principles, anyone suggesting that it has suddenly changed and assumed an ambitious and imperialistic attitude is not rationally assessing all the facts. 

With regards to its position as a world superpower and being the centre for global economy, the US has links to the entire world. The worldwide interventions they carried out were sometimes for the benefit of other countries and sometimes to the detriment of them. However, those interventions did not reflect imperialistic colonialism. The only explanation for the current situation is that there are attempts to drag the US into colonial projects and global conflicts through faits accomplis and complicated plots. 

During both of the major world wars, despite having no intention to participate in either of the wars, the fact that they were surprisingly dragged in with the suggestions and provocations of Britain is one the most important indicator of this fact.

In his book Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War, Patrick J Buchanan explains that Britain deliberately dragged the US into the world wars in order to exploit the US for Britain’s own interest. He says that Americans sent their sons across the ocean to remake the world safe for democracy, only to see the British empire add a 950,000 square miles. According to him, the US had lent billions to the Allied cause, only to watch the Allies walk away from their war debts. In other words, Americans felt they had been hoodwinked and swindled to pull England’s chestnuts out of the fire and make the world safe for the British Empire. (p. 103-104)

The same tactic was employed to entice and drag the US into WWII. On August 14, 1936, the US took the decision to stay neutral in the European wars. However, entirely groundless  reports like Hitler’s plan to attack America, to bomb New York with five tons of bombs, or that he is building a naval force for the purpose of this attack spread throughout the entire world through the British propaganda machine. In his speech of June 18, 1940, Churchill made the following threat; “Should England fall as France had, the whole world, including the United States will sink into the abyss of a new dark age.” (Patrick J Buchanan, Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War, p. 344)

Eventually, the US was dragged into an arena of war thousands of miles away from its homeland. They were made to share the responsibility of more than 100mn dead, wounded, maimed and lost people of the two wars.

As for the recent history, the Chilcot report revealed very important information. In this report, it was revealed that the one who included the US in the Iraq war  was the period’s British prime minister Tony Blair. The starting point for everything was the false information provided about the so-called presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 

The news appeared more recently in the press and documented the messages Blair sent to Bush between 2001-2007, revealing the fact that Blair was the real architect of the Afghanistan war. The Afghanistan war led to around 100,000 deaths, cost the US $686bn, and inflicted many  casualties. 

As it can be seen, no matter how sincere, peaceful and well-intentioned American people are, unfortunately the US is a country which struggles to reflect its free will onto its administration. It remains a country where the great majority of country’s administrators are chosen by century-old Anglosaxon orders, organisations and societies and of which policies are dictated by deep state think tanks. In a system where US presidential campaigns are supported by donations worth hundreds of millions of dollars from global conglomerates, it doesn’t seem entirely logical or possible for the US to act entirely free and independent.

In this respect, as with every country, the US too very much needs honest, fearless, sincere, conscientious and peaceful leaders and administrators who don’t submit to foreign plots or deep state threats. No doubt that in the Middle Eastern countries, which are the biggest sufferers of the colonial system, there exists sincere opinion leaders who want peace, order and justice. 

An alliance formed between such conscientious, ethical and rational people will be the key for the peace, comfort and happiness of the world, and will foil the plots of certain circles who try to keep the world as their personal colony.

Adnan Oktar's piece in Gulf Times:
