The Hub of World Evil: The British Deep State

It was the British deep state which destroyed the Ottoman Empire and occupied Anatolia. The founding cadre of communism was assembled in Britain. Marx and Engels’ The Communist Manifesto (original title of the first edition: Das Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) that constitutes the keystone of Communism was first published in Britain. All the foundational theoretical texts of communism, including Das Kapital, were written there. Founders of liberalism, Adam Smith and David Ricardo, were British. Charles Darwin, who founded the ideological basis of social Darwinism that unleashed such horrors upon the world in the 20th century, was British

Katehon is an independent think tank organization consisting international network of people from Russia. Harun Yahya’s article, “The Hub of World Evil: The British Deep State" is published at the English and Russian publication of Katehon.