Crescent Times, one of Avustralia’s Islamic newspapers, continues to publish the articles of Mr. Adnan Oktar. The newspaper published the author’s article titled “The Good Should Avoid Bickering and Unite” on its edition dated November 25th, 2010. (You can read the complete article from here.)

ADNAN OKTAR: Unity, cooperation, solidarity, friendship, self-sacrifice, support, and similar other qualities are some of the beautiful attributes which are the underlying foundation of the Qur"anic morality. This is stated in many sayings of Our Prophet (saas). One of them reads:

"Believers are like the different parts of a building, each one supporting the other." Then he demonstrated what he meant by interlocking his fingers. (Hadith of Al-Bukhari and Muslim, Words of the Prophet Muhammad (saas), p. 67)