On 26 October, 2007, Der Spiegel, Europe’s largest weekly magazine, once again gave space to the works of Harun Yahya. The magazine’s 6.5 million readers were told:
“The first 10 entries [on the Google Search engine] were links to the www.DarwinismRefuted.com and Evolution-facts.org web sites; in other words, they belonged to Creationists... DarwinismRefuted.com contains a large number of anti-evolution books and videos. The Disasters Darwinism Brought to Humanity, The Evolution Deceit and The Error of the Evolution of Species are just a few of these. The site belongs to Harun Yahya, an Islamic creationist. The author’s real name is Adnan Oktar…”

          The Darwinism Refuted website, the subject of the report concerned, contains a collection of the works of Harun Yahya.