The theory of evolution maintains that living things supposedly progress from the primitive to the more advanced, a claim that has today been demolished by science. Some 250 million fossils clearly show that life forms have never changed; Darwinism has therefore been left without answers to many questions, such as the beginning of life and the impossibility of even a single protein forming by chance so the invalidity of the theory of evolution is thus plain to see.

Scientific progress is revealing facts in all branches of science, not just biology, that evolutionist nonsense is trying to distort. One such branch of science is anthropology.

A great many fantastic  tales have been produced for the sake of supporting the nonsense of evolution in this branch of science, which examines human life since the very earliest times. However, these imaginary tales have been demolished over and over again with every new finding in every excavation.

According to the theory of evolution’s imaginary account of the supposed evolution of man, settled life began to appear some 10,000 years ago, in what is known as the Neolithic Period. Human beings began establishing social relations and cultural values began appearing only thousands of years after that date.

The sublime artistry in the glorious cave drawings in Chuavet,  France, produced around 32,000 years ago, a 35,000-year-old fossil whistle with seven notes, the basic scale used in Western music today, the giant megalithic structure in Gobektlitepe in Urfa, made 14,000 years ago and containing 45 statues 4-6 meters in height, and world famous structures such as the pyramids and the sphinxes have shown countless times that the myth of human evolution never happened.

The latest discoveries have added yet more evidence to repudiate the fantastical tale of human evolution. Excavations on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean revealed traces of what is known as the Natufian culture. The surprising thing is that the traces of this culture go back to 11,000 BC. The presence of a culture with traces of present-day societal life in all its details, at a time when, according to the myths of evolution, there were no agriculture, settled life or even primitive hand tools, places evolutionists in a total impasse.


Flowers Were Placed in Burial Sites in Natufian Culture

One of the common features between Natufian and present-day culture is the flowers found in the burial sites. Excavation in the Rakafet district of the Israeli port city of Haifa revealed remains of colored and perfumed plants and flowers in burial sites.

A report on the Newscientist web site into investigations of the remains of the flowers found said they had been identified as sage and mint. It appeared from these historic remains that the plants had been deliberately placed on the burial sites.

Depictions of this period in  most dubious reconstructions in evolutionist publications show human beings who have just come down from the trees, supposedly primitive and resembling apes. The texts describe human beings as supposedly half-human and half-animal entities, grunting and lacking the power of speech. The fact is however, that like much other evidence, these flower-lined burials show that the people who lived at that time were no different to us. We can never obtain a logical answer from evolutionists to the question, ‘How and why did primitive beings who, according to the lies of evolution, had not yet begun to live socially and were unable even to speak adorn their burials with flowers?’ 

What this finding reveals is perfectly clear: People living 13,000 years ago lived a civilized life and shared their lives and valued one another. Instead of abandoning their dead like wild animals, they buried them in a manner befitting human beings with souls, and decorated the burial sites with flowers. 


The Burial Sites Prove the Existence of a Settled Lifestyle and Social Structure

In addition to being unable to account for considerate behavior such as placing flowers on burial sites, evolutionists are unable to explain the presence of the burial sites themselves. It is obvious that supposedly wild beasts constantly searching for food, that had not yet adopted a settled lifestyle and that were unable to communicate with one another would not bury their dead in an orderly manner and decorate the sites with plants and flowers. Yet more than 100 skeletons have been found in some Natufian burial sites. This alone is sufficient evidence to show that they had a settled and social life like that of today.


Natufian Civilization Was Spread over a Wide Area

Natufian civilization was not limited to the city of Haifa. Previous excavations have revealed traces of it in several countries on the eastern Mediterranean.  Although even an area as small as a village would suffice to demolish the claims of the theory of evolution, traces of Natufian civilization being found over a very wide area makes it impossible for evolutionists to cover the matter up. There are traces of this civilization dating back tens of thousands of years in a wide area including southern Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Cyprus, the Sinai peninsula and Iraq. Social life clearly existed and was quite widespread 13,000 years ago.


Evolutionist Admissions and the Fact of Creation

The facts emerging from these discoveries have stunned evolutionists. Although evolutionists try to cover these findings up in the wake of every new discovery, some of them still make inescapable admissions.

One example was an admission made by Ian Stodder from Stanford University following the discovery of the magnificent monument at Gobeklitepe . Following the emergence of tens of statues with carved animal figures weighing 40 tons and arranged in a circle, dating back to around 11,500 BC, Hodder simply said,

All our theories are wrong.[1]

Daniel Nadel from the University of Haifa in Israel where the Natufian culture burial sites decorated with flowers were discovered admits that:

Everything has changed with Natufian culture.[2]

Every new discovery places evolutionists in a new dilemma because history is  very different to what evolutionists describe. Evolutionists look for ways of adapting every new discovery to evolution.

The fact is that there is no use in trying to keep the theory of evolution propped up out of ideological concerns; all branches of science are one by one revealing the invalidity of the theory of evolution. In opposition to the fact that Allah created the entire universe and living things, the theory of evolution maintains that living things came into being by chance. The nonsense of evolution, which worships such a ludicrous idol as ‘chance,’ is condemned to be annihilated in the face of scientific evidence. As the Qur’an says:

Say: ‘Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is always bound to vanish.’ (Surat al-Isra’, 81)

As also is the case today, different civilizations may exhibit different levels of development. For example, while communications and transport are facilitated by advanced technology in Western countries, even to this day there are remote areas in some African countries which  lack the electricity used for simple lighting. Similarly, scientific findings show that there were advanced civilizations and more backward ones thousands of years in the past. In contrast, there is no scientific evidence for the idea that human beings are descended from supposed ape-like forebears.

Like all living things, human beings were created in their present forms by Allah telling them to ‘Be!’ This is revealed in Surah Ya Sin:

His command when He desires a thing is just to say to it, ‘Be!’ and it is.  (Surah Ya Sin, 82)


[1] Newsweek Turkey, 28 February 2010. No. 70 p. 68, Rewriting History
