Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on A9 TV dated 13 March 2012

ADNAN OKTAR: “Say to the believing women that they should lower their eyes” They will not look at the unlawful. “...and guard their private parts” That is to say, they will not engage in a sexual relationship with someone who is unlawful. “...and not display their adornments” Devout women do not show their adornments to people.

...except for what normally shows – That is to say, those that are seen naturally,  “and draw their head-coverings across their breasts.” Their breasts must be closed, not be out in the open. The women in those times were totally out in the open, that is to say, they do not wear bras, so Allah tells them to cover their breasts. They used to walk the streets without bras. Now Allah cites to whom these women can display their “adornments”. “To their own husbands”- they can display their adornments to their wedded husbands. Who else? They can show it to their fathers. Who else? Their fathers in law. Who else? “sons, sons of their husbands, their own brothers, sons of their brothers, sons of their sisters or their own women or those under their own hands, which means their maids- these maids have no potency, but when that guy hears about these, he rejects them outright. When we say, “That is what Allah says”, they still say, “I would still not accept it even if Allah says.” Bigots would never accept such things. They would not accept Allah’s provision.

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on A9 TV dated 10 April 2012

ADNAN OKTAR: Some people ask me, “How should women dress in front of their fathers?” They can look at verse 31 of Surat an-Nur and see. But what happens when you tell this to hypocrites and bigots? The bigot will say, “If Allah said that, then I am not a Muslim.” May Allah forbid. Allah tells us in the Qur’an how a girl should dress in front of her father, or a mother in front of her son. 

Look, it says, “Say to the believing women that they should lower their eyes and guard their private parts,” they should avoid illicit relations. “and not display their adornments – except for what normally shows.” What is normally visible. “and draw their coverings across their breasts.” They must cover their breasts. Women who wander round totally uncovered with their breast exposed, must cover them up, says Almighty Allah.  “They should only display their adornments to their husbands or their fathers or their husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons or their brothers or their brothers’ sons or their sisters’ sons or other women or those they own as slaves or their male attendants who have no sexual desire,” who have no sexual urges “or children who still have no awareness of women’s private parts.” Who have no knowledge of women’s sexual organs or female sexuality. They should only display them to children. Allah’s commandment is explicit. For example, there were Adam and Eve when Almighty Allah first created the Earth. They were twins. Almighty Allah had the brother marry the sister. That is lawful. Allah determines what is moral. But this is immoral for us now. But it was moral at that time. Morality is what Allah says. Then Allah made it immoral after a certain time. Allah says that brothers and sisters should not enter into relations together.

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on A9 TV dated 25 April  2012

ADNAN OKTAR: "They should only display their adornments to their husbands or their fathers or their husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons or their brothers or their brothers’ sons or their sisters’ sons or other women or those they own as slaves or their male attendants who have no sexual desire"... People with no sexual desire. Seeing a necklace is not going to turn anyone on. There is a detail here. What happens when someone sees a necklace or beads to mean that he should not see them? I would like to understand, which is why I am asking. “or children who still have no awareness of women’s private parts.” Children who are ignorant of women’s sexual organs. Children who are unaffected by sexual desires, who are not aroused by women. But they should not show them to anyone else. What is wrong with a child seeing beads or earrings? Why should such a child not see them? Why should they not show these beads and earrings to anyone apart from children who are unaware of women’s sexual organs and are not aroused by women? That would mean that men start trembling when they see an earring. They lose control. This verse is referring to servants unaffected by sexuality and children who are not aroused by women. How can earrings or beads or bits of glass arouse anyone? If someone could tell me that, then I could answer.