New Straits Times daily newspaper published in Malaysia, published Harun Yahya’s article “Spark of hope in Syria” on May 11th 2016. You may read the article at this link.
A new hope in Syria
Hope and change
“Hopeful Monster” theory, the
A spark of hope in Syria
Not losing hope in Allah’s mercy
Syria's human tragedy
''Borderless'' friendship with Syria
“A City For Refugees” In Syria
“A City for Refugees” in Syria
Syria: Death Everywhere
A new hope for Cyprus
Self-interest sinks hopes for peace
Kashmir also lays its hope in Turkey
Syria: The Downward Spiral of Desolation
Israel-Turkey A hopeful alliance in a divided Middle East
Allah's beautiful promises to believers necessitate that they remain hopeful
A peaceful resolution to the conflict in Syria
Flawed Plan for Syria