Having a good understanding of these insects" characteristics is important, for these living species, so very small in size, are often assumed to be simple creatures. Scale insects are parasites that feed on the sap of plants. Roughly dome-shaped, they secrete a sticky, somewhat sweet liquid. There are over 7,000 species of scale insects, including the common soft scale, woolen scale, half-spherical scale and fig scale. These insects" reproductive system is remarkable. In May, a female scale starts to lay some 3,000 eggs under her shell, which is made up from a section of her back. Beneath this shell, the eggs continue their embryonic development. This way, the young larvae are protected. Within a short period of time, larvae with an oval structure emerge, moving freely and migrate to other sites along the plant. The advocates of evolution, which is merely a deception, benefit from people"s lack of knowledge and avoid mentioning the highly complex features of living species like these. But scale insects" features such as their reproductive systems and the parasitic life they lead with plants are too complex to be explained away by the simplistic claims of the theory of evolution.