Speaking at the 25th anniversary of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. He says, Prince Charles urges environmentalists 'Follow the Islamic way to save the world.' He says that man's destruction of the world is particularly contrary to Islam.
It’s love that will save the world
Unity is the way out for the Islamic world
Darwin, Charles Robert
Senior Church of England Bishop:"Qur'an should be read at Prince Charles' coronation"
Saving the Innocent
The followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be able to communicate with wherever in the world they wish within a few minutes by way of the internet
Prince Laurent of Belgium: I read the Qur’an
The Problem of Leadership in the Islamic World
Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his followers will cause the moral values of Islam to rule the entire world
Turkey: The leader of the Islamic world
A call for the Islamic world not to be divided
Last Month in the Islamic World
Trump, the Islamic World and Israel
The way out...
There is a way to end the downward spiral of suffering in the Islamic geography: Islamic unity
What Needs To Be Done In The Islamic World
Is the Objective to Annihilate Terrorism or the Islamic World?
Follow Quranic precepts in life
The very first in the Islamic world: || Brotherhood
Turkey Now The Center Of Creationism in The islamic World
Let the world follow in your footsteps