What do you know about the Qur’an?
In most of the Middle Eastern countries where Muslims are in the majority, most of the people who can be considered as “average citizens” would give this answer: “The Qur’an is the holy book of our religion.” Yet, they know very little about the content of the Qur’an, about what is written in its pages.
In fact, the Qur’an is used for many purposes which are far removed from its true revealed purpose. It is usually hung on the walls of houses within a decorative cover and read usually by elder people from time to time. People read it in Arabic, but as they only know how to read Arabic letters without understanding the meaning, most of the time they have no idea what they have been reading about, as so have no grasp of the content of the Qur’an.
The Qur’an is also supposed to afford some very interesting benefits to people. After reading it and performing some weird rituals like breathing hard on another person’s face, the readers and his close relatives are believed to be protected from a possible future “accident or misfortune”. The Qur’an is credited with being some sort of amulet that includes talismanic words which protect people against bad luck. The Qur’an is also believed to have a frightening power: it smites people if they tell lies! At graveyards it is read out for the deceased without anyone knowing what is being read. It can even be used for telling fortunes.
In short, in most of the countries where Muslims are in the majority, only a small percentage of people know the content of the Qur’an and ponder on the Qur’an as required. As a result, people who are ignorant of the real message of the Qur’an, attribute different meanings to it.
Many people believe some traditions to have their origin in the Qur’an, although they may be contradictory to the very nature of the Qur’anic message. For example, there are many people who believe that a blue bead, which is believed to possess the power to avert the devil’s eye, is recommended in the Qur’an.
Of course, learning the Qur’an is only an introductory step, since application should follow it. Some people believe that the Qur’an addresses only Muslims of the 7th. century, while others think that only a small number of the verses address people other than the Muslims of the 7th. century. One of such a mentality is satisfied just with reading the Qur’an and thinks he has fulfilled his religious duties by so doing. However, it is not only a matter of learning what is in the Qur’an, but also putting it into practice, fulfilling the duties ordered in the Qur’an, adopting the moral standards explained in the Qur’an, in short applying the Qur’an to one’s own everyday life.
Those who claim that the Qur’an has become outdated and needs to be revised to be in accordance with this new age, cannot grasp the fact that the Qur’an is not confined by chains of time, but covers all ages and societies, as it has been revealed by Allah, Who has knowledge of everything, past and future. When anyone reads the Qur’an with a sincere heart and an open mind, he sees that the models of people and societies described in the Qur’an existed in every age in history, including that of today, and that the Qur’an explains the current state of people and societies. All the disorder, perversion and mistakes of a society which has strayed from true religious values have been clearly stated in the Qur’an. The reactions of the people of these societies towards religion have been described with detailed character analyses. These descriptions and analyses are relevant in all respects to the world of today, thus demonstrating the “sociological miracle” of the Qur’an.
What is interesting here is that such inconsistent view as: “Society is in a state of continuous progress, whereas religion is static” have also been diagnosed in the Qur’an as arising from a deficiency of comprehension. We should keep in mind that unbelievers, who lived thousands of years before the Qur’an, also interpreted religion as “tales of the ancients” (An-Nahl, 24)
When an individual starts reading the Qur’an and tries to implement it in his daily life, he can be considered to be on his way to becoming a real Muslim as described in the scriptures. With amazement, he begins to see how the Qur’an covers every moment of his life. Many events that a person experience have been mentioned in the Qur’an and the reactions of a Muslim which would befit those occassions have also been explained in detail.