Arabic language international political news portal Sasapost publishes Harun Yahya article.
One Solution For East Turkestan
One Solution for East Turkestan
'Stop'to oppression in East Turkestan
East Turkestan: The Cradle Of Turkish-islamic Civilization
Prof. Kashgarli, Chairman Of The East Turkestan Parliament In Exile, Was A Guest Of Adnan Oktar
The repression in east Turkestan has begun being increasingly raised
Solution in Middle East is Turkey's leadership
Uyghur's and Chinese can live together in peace in east Turkestan
One Ummah
Solution: The morals of the Qur'an
AL-WAHID - The One
Toward a Solution for Egypt
The Way Forward For The Middle East
A solution for Syria: Transitional Government
The solution to poverty lies in love
Uyghurs And Chinese Can Live Together In Peace In East Turkestan
The birth of the New Middle East
Walls cannot be a solution to security issues
Winter Plans and Migrant Policies with No Solution
Believers' love for one another
The solution for Mosul relies on unity, not war
The Real Cost of Middle East Wars
Who is the Ally of the USA in the Middle East?
Darwin, The Number One Terrorist. . .