... Adnan Oktar (pen name Harun Yahya) of Turkish origins... the author of 200 documentaries, and 300 books translated into 60 different languages and with 200 web sites. He has succeeded in spreading creationism widely in Turkey... Oktar has targeted the whole of Europe, and is doing this particularly with his showy book called the Atlas of Creation. But he concentrates on France in particular, because if he can make himself accepted in a country with powerful non-religious roots, then he believes his cause will have been successful.Reports in the French press say that belief in Creation is spreading widely, despite all the obstacles. Teachers are reporting difficult moments in class in the face of anti-Darwin objections. Darwinist-materialist circles are literally in mourning over the way the French have lost with a single book – the Atlas of Creation - a philosophy they have espoused for 150 years.
You can watch some of the reports from the European press regarding the collapse of Darwinism here.