TASCA, November 21 - 2008 

Adnan Oktar:  Actually, in the essence of Islam, there is love, affection, peace, ease of mind, internal tranquility and joy. There is a kind of relief that is felt during religious holidays. It has friendship. Constituting those values among Muslim countries, constituting those values among Turkish countries… Constituting a Turkish Islamic Union under Turkey’s leadership… In order to have those, in order to make good intentions prevail the world, to make sincerity prevail, to have free practices in industry, science, technology and investments; we demand removal of visa and passport problem. We want this obligation to be removed; as we desire a much more easy trade, comfortable ways of investment, a comfortable way of exchanging love and friendship. In other words, just showing the identity card has to be enough to cross the border. Actually, we don’t even need them to show. I mean, I should be able to get my identity card and go to Azerbaijan, to Syria, to Kazakhistan. I should be able to go to Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria. I should get on a boat and arrive to Tunisia, Algeria. I could socialize there with my brothers. We’ll dine together, we will remember Allah together. And we come back, the other day. If I need to trade, I’ll trade. We desire a system like that, a unity of love. But, of course when there are steady countries, when there is an running system, there is no need to interfere. The municipalties have already been fullfilling their jobs perfectly, the states have been running their duties perfectly, they do not allow intemperance. In this atmosphere of love; terror, disorder, fight and poverty will all come to an end. It is not force, but rather love and sincerity that becomes the fundamental.

Radikal, July 05- 2010

Number of Countries Visas Removed With is Up to 61,
Businessmen’s Demand is for EU and North Africa As Well


While the number of countries removing the visa application for Turkey has reached 61 – due to the proceeding diplomatic attacks and zero problem with the neighbouring countries- ; businessmen  are expecting the removal of visas with EU, North Africa and Gulf countries. As studies for removing visas with Indonesia as well are started, it is foreseen that removal of visas will also have possitive effects on trade, travel, shopping, health and education tourism. In his evaluating statements about the issue, Mehmet Buyukkesi, the President of Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) said removal of the visas had very possitive reflections on foreign trade of Turkey. Drawing attention on that removal of visas have a significant importance for businessmen coming and going for mutual meetings and attending fairs; Buyukeksi indicated that many producers who had never considered exporting before did now consider exporting as it is easier to travel.