Adnan Oktar: TURKEY WILL RATHER BE A SUPERPOWER STATE, IT WILL GROW, WILL GROW IN A MUCH GREATER WAY. There won’t be an issue like that; with the permission of Allah we will dominate that whole area Insha’Allah. We will dominate the three continents magnificently, much greater than the Ottoman period. We will make justice, love, peace and brotherhood dominant over the area; there will be people from any language, people from any nationality, but the good morals, love, peace spirit of the Turkish nation will cover all over the world, Insha’Allah.
Turkey, January 2, 2010
In an article which was published by the American New York Times Newspaper; Turkey’s growing efficiency in the Middle East was interpreted as one of the most significant five factors that appeared in the area in the last ten years. Those expressions were stated in the article : “the fifth significant new factor in the area is; THE EXPANSION OF THE TURK INFLUENCE WHICH IS SUBSTANTIALLY A POSITIVE DEVELOPMENT.”