Oumma, one of the well-known Muslim sites of France; refers to Harun Yahya and his anti-Darwinist publications, such as Atlas of Creation, Evolution Deceit and that these books find wide readership in the French speaking countries.
Harun Yahya On The Sombreval Publishing Website
""muslim Creationists Tour France Denouncing Darwin""
Harun Yahya Conference at San Antonio Air Base, USA
Harun Yahya Conference At The Mosque Of Great Tours, France
Harun Yahya Conference At The Great Evry Mosque, France
Daily Telegraph refers to Harun Yahya as the leading creationist who won a struggle against Darwinism
Harun Yahya Who Developed A Strong Creationist Movement In Europe
Val Doise Harun Yahya Works At Muslim Fair
Harun Yahya’s anti-Darwinist publications on the Belgian daily
Muslim Creationist Tour France Denouncing Darwin
Harun Yahya Calls Muslims To Unity And Union
US based Jefferson Corner website publishes Harun Yahya articles.
Harun Yahya Conference At M"sila Public Culture Center, Algeria
United Kingdom - Reuters - 16 May 2011 - ''Muslim Creationists Tour France Denouncing Darwin''
Theatre Du Gymnase Marie Bell: 2012 Harun Yahya Conferences In France
Several Articles By Harun Yahya
Works Of Harun Yahya
English books of Harun Yahya
Muslim Creationist Preaches islam, Awaits Christ
Exhibition Of Harun Yahya Works
Harun Yahya Conferences In Oslo
The Impact Of Harun Yahya
The Reputed Creationist in the Muslim World: Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
Harun Yahya is The Global Leader Of Muslim Creationism
Harun Yahya books distributed in Denmark