What He Said?What Happened?

In his conversation programs, Mr. Adnan Oktar  often emphasizes that in the old Turkey there was “a skeptical understanding based on not trusting  citizens and considering them as potential criminals; however Mr. Tayyip Erdogan “behaves in line with the spirit of the people and guards people from such thoughts.”

Mr. Tayyip Erdoğan  made a speech where he said, “The old Turkey was based on the perception that society was a potential risk factor. In the new Turkey all citizens are equals.”

A9 TV: August 20th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: The good thing about Tayyip hodja is that he behaves in line with the people’s spirit. The old Turkey concept is very risky. Everyone must have an attitude against this; all parties must have an attitude against this. They cannot say anything about old Turkey that much. Old Turkey is horrifying. No way! That thing they call the status quo. We have suffered a lot for years. We are only now able to breathe a little and still we can smell the scent of it. We are still dealing with the troubles of the past. We still carry the troubles of that period. Tayyip hodja is right about that.

A9 TV: August 16th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: When you say “Old Turkey”, you remember a strange period where they grabbed people from their homes at 3 am, killed people and placed cocaine in people’s homes, framed them and put them in mental institutions. This is what is meant by the past, as far as I understand. Not our glorious history. No one could ever put aside our glorious history saying “old.” We would stop people trying to that with the laws. They can never do such a thing. The government’s longing for the past is clearly seen. Yes they have made mistakes; the government or some members of the government have made mistakes, because they look out for Necip Fazil and Bediuzzaman as well as our ancestors and our history. They research every single thing, right down to old Turkish cemetaries, and bring out our cultural heritage. Not in that sense of course.

A9 TV: August 11th, 2014

(Prime Minister Erdoğan  made a speech that embraced everyone following the announcement of election results. He said, “Today no one lost. Everyone who loves us or doesn’t love us has won.”)

ADNAN OKTAR: They say, “Status quo or tutelage.” This is the critical point. He is telling the truth. Really, I've known since my childhood that it was very disturbing. Now it is just us. It is really just us. Even if we yell and scream or stay silent, only we live here. It was not like this before. Actually he had a lot of service on this. This is right. He is mentioning this all the time. He is mentioning the most critical point. “Tutelage, status quo!” This harmed the people a lot. Some circles, some individuals considered the people as subordinate. Some people wanted to see them like this and there was a skeptical attitude, an understanding that did not trust the people and considered them as potential criminals.

April 9th, 2013: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Tayyip hodja is a nice person. He is a fine decent person. He is merciful and compassionate. The AK Party is against people who look down on people: Before, some people has such an attitude against the people, saying that people are to be ruled. There were people who looked down on them. What did Tayyip hodja say? He said, “I came from the people. I am your slave.” And he said, “I am the soil and you are the head.” He said, “The people are my master.” He has such an attitude.

What is the mentality of the AK Party? Modern Islam. If we go to the bottom of this and  research the question, “Who brought the modern understanding of Islam to Turkey?” we will come to only one address because it is seen that Islam cannot prevail with a traditional point of view. But love, mercy, compassion, rationality, democracy, science, art, aesthetics, loving the people, humbleness and being a servant of the people; this mentality rules. One that offers love instead of violence, that does not crush the people and is against crushing the people, that protects Marxists and communists as well as Jews and Christians and guards them all as its own citizens, and considers them as first class citizens and that does not discriminate.


August 27th, 2014: Haber Vaktim

Mr. Tayyip Erdoğan said the following in a speech he made at a congress he attended:

“The old Turkey was based on the perception that the society was a potential threat and an enemy. In Turkey the conception of “despite the society” and “despite the people” has ended. In the new Turkey, there is no discrimination like acceptable or unacceptable citizens; all citizens are equals.”