Living as we do in a world of instant communication, not a day passes by in which we do not hear, read or watch news about a clash somewhere  leaving many people hurt or dead, and all the people of the world are in search of a solution. People living in the same country, in the same lands side by side for ages start fighting against one another and cause the destruction of cities and sometimes whole countries. When asked, everyone- with the exception of a few opportunists who make money from those wars and conflicts- would say "I want world peace." There are many think tanks and many non-governmental organizations working to bring peace to the world but looking at the result we see no progress in this effort for attaining world-peace. This makes one realize that there is a major intellectual flaw in the way the world operates regarding this particular matter. Due to the urgency of the dire situation we witness in the world today, this flaw should be corrected sooner than later.

Today there are two poles in the world. However, contrary to what one might think, these two poles are not formed by Muslims on one side and Jews and Christians on the other. There are the forces of good in one pole and the evil forces in the other. That is to say the supporters of moral values are one group and the adherents of ideologies that feed on bloodshed and violence are the other. 

Christians, Jews and Muslims are all on the same side: They are the good. The common beliefs, common observances and moral values of all these three religions are distinctly explained in their holy books, the Qur'an, the Gospels and the Torah.  

As God commands in the Qur'an:

Those who disbelieve are the friends and protectors of one another. If you do not act in this way there will be turmoil in the land and great corruption. (Surat al-Anfal, 73)

What we are observing today in the world is this turmoil and great corruption and only an intellectual struggle in which believers are united against those ideologies feeding on violence will provide the peace and harmony the whole world longs for.

As God commanded, waging a joint intellectual struggle against the evil and the wicked together in solidarity and unity is the responsibility of all devout and sincere Christians, Jews and Muslims of good conscience and common sense. This intellectual union is one based on love, respect, understanding  and cooperation. We have no time to lose to forge this cooperation as every single day causes even further losses. We should strictly avoid everything that might lead to disputes and division.

The calamities brought upon the world by radical tendencies have the same source as well. Even though the radicals we see today, like ISIS, Boko Haram, etc., prove to be harmful and destructive, it is ignorance that makes it possible for these radical movements to find supporters. People who are not properly informed, or who are misinformed fall under the influence of extremist tendencies and adopt the ideas put forward by them without judging them properly. With intellectual activities carried out jointly by members of the three revealed faiths, we can eliminate the conditions that prepare the ground for radicalism and bring about peace.  It is an unfortunate historic fact that various conflicts have arisen between members of the three faiths in the past but none of these conflicts are caused by the essential nature of Christianity, Judaism or Islam. All the conflicts and wars in the world have happened because of mistaken decisions and ideas of nation states, communities and individuals, and the reason behind these actions is invariably political or economic interests and expectations. All three revealed religions have a common goal and that is to ensure that all mankind lives in peace, security and happiness. Any conflict violating that goal is wrong according to all three religions.

Studying the conflicts throughout the course of history shows us that there is a great alliance formed by the forces targeting religious and moral values; the history of the world reveals this truth. To bring peace, we, the people of the world, should concentrate on this truth and be aware of this danger. Up until today, the forces united against the good, against the believers of the world, have given great struggle against  moral values by combining all their means together. This is what brought about these conflicts and wars we are witnessing today. However it is in our power, in the power of the devout, to intellectually shatter that alliance and bring about world peace. When united, we can eliminate the negative and destructive consequences of irreligious and materialist indoctrination. Intellectual victory against the alliance of  evil  will enable us to establish a society in which moral virtues, peace, security and well-being prevail. But that can only be done by the sincere members of the three revealed faiths, Islam, Judaism and Christianity, joining together in the light of this common purpose.

We need to invite all believers to unite around common objectives, to strive together against atheism and the hatred of religion and the radicalism which is the very source of that hatred. With that alliance we can put an end to the social and moral degeneracy and spread moral virtues. We call on all honest, conciliatory and virtuous Jews, Christians and Muslims, who are supporters of moral virtue, peace and justice, and are of good conscience and common sense, to unite to bring peace to the world. 

Adnan Oktar's piece on Islam Today Magazine: