It is Time to Reflect

It is Time to Reflect


Despite all the hue and cry raised by people all across the world, Dhaka executed Abdul Quader Mollah. It appears that radical tendencies are to be blamed for the so-called “Islamophobia,” not the pristine teachings of Islam.

This phobia is perhaps not unique to the western world, it can be found even in the Muslim world. Even Muslims appear to be divided on the issue. Many governments in Muslim countries are very cautious in their dealings with the indigenous “radical” groups. Fearing radicalization of society, governments are sometimes compelled to resort to force.

The execution of Mollah, a top leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami, instead of life imprisonment, somehow points toward the same apprehensions.

In such a situation, it has become imperative that sincere Muslims following the true teachings of Islam, project the true face of the religion to the entire world and to their own people in their respective societies.
If that is not done, the number of such persecutions carried out in many countries of the world against religious people might increase. 

A true believer can never remain silent in the face of injustice and persecution. Conscience and feelings of Islamic brotherhood would activate believers in a way that they would be left with no choice but to raise their voices. They would do all that they could possibly do to stop persecution and injustice. They must use all means to make their voices heard and try to support those who are wronged with all their might. In the same spirit, we vehemently opposed the execution of Mollah tooth and nail and tried to give a voice to the general sentiments of Muslims across the globe.

As Turkish Muslims, we searched for ways to stop this persecution by making the voices of Muslims in Bangladesh heard through social media and also through political means. Islam commands its followers to help each other in the face of difficulties and does not expect them to persecute each other. It calls for forgiveness and amity.

Whatever is happening in Bangladesh is in sharp contrast to the true teachings of Islam. One of the most important characteristics of a Muslim is: He forgives, and is compassionate and merciful toward others. What is important is to prevent the repetition of the same mistakes and, setting out from this point, to achieve good results. The people of Bangladesh, while evaluating what has happened in the past, should act by taking mercy and forgiveness as their basis, not retaliation. In the Qur’an, Allah says that forgiving is always more benevolent. For that reason, the government of Bangladesh should also not forget this superior moral understanding commanded in the Qur’an during the trials and awarding of punishments. 

Muslims all across the world must set aside their petty differences and forge unity among their ranks as commanded by Allah and His Prophet (pbuh).

Islam is a staunch advocate of unity among Muslims and has warned that without unity, Muslims will become weak and will be defeated on all fronts they may face.

As a matter of fact, it is very easy for Muslims to collaborate with each other and act as a single voice in the face of injustices in the world. However, this unity requires a strong political will and the eagerness to follow true teachings of Islam.

Many Muslim “thinkers” reject the idea of creation of such a union or force by claiming that it is not at all possible given the current global scenario. Such a mindset will never help overcome obstacles in the formation of a union; it only makes a mountain out of a molehill.

Such elements believe that global imbalances, conflicts of interest, sociopolitical, economic or cultural differences might make the creation of a union impossible or render it ineffective. The truth is there is no obstacle that could not be overcome.

One has to agree that there are bottlenecks, but that should not prevent Muslims to make efforts in that direction.

Collaboration and solidarity among Muslims would ensure great comfort also for other countries of the world. Such a unity could bring about a change that would ensure a comfortable life for people belonging to all faiths.

Adnan Oktar's article on Arab News:
