Isolated Russia
Isolating Russia: A perilous policy for the World
English books of Harun Yahya
Islam, the Rising Standard in Russia
Turkey-Russia: an important alliance
The Future of Turkey-Russia relations
Exciting countdown for Turkey and Russia
Ahmet Davutoğlu: “The YPG is Russia's Mercenary”
Russia and Turkey In Harm’s Way
What Can Russia Do For Syria?
Russia Supports Syria
Russia’s stance on the Muslim world
Russia And Turkey In Harm’s Way
More Than Friends: The Russia, Turkey Relationship
The friendship between Russia and Turkey must not be frittered away
Adnan Oktar: Turkey will not leave Russia alone
Russia: Syria's game changer
Islam is inseparable part of Russia's society and culture
Time to move on for Russia and Turkey
A sensitive time both Turkey and Russia to act with reason