This site is for providing Muslims in Australia with information about Islam. Articles "Creation & the Existence of God" and "Allah"s Artisty in Colour" by Harun Yahya are two of such articles.
IslamIc InformatIon OffIce Of HawaII
Murat Selek ( islamic information & Services )
Not divulging information of a disquieting or reassuring nature
Islamic Union And Miracles Of The Qur'an Conference At The Gold Coast Mosque, Australia
Some of the scientific information referring to numbers in the Qur’an
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will make use of technology in obtaining information about events in the world
Various information in regard to the King Messiah based on the Torah, Talmud and authentic commentaries
Islamic creationism on the rise (Australia/ABC1 TV, 2 December 2009)
A 80 million year old rare frilled shark fossil found in Australia speaks against Darwinism
Islamic scholars aim for unity in Islam
"islamic Union And Miracles Of The Qur'an" Conference At The Gold Coast Mosque, Australia
In Response to Michael Skinner: Epigenome DOES NOT PROVIDE NEW INFORMATION to the DNA
Harun Yahya On Australia's Abc Radio
Moderate Islam Means the Islam of the Companions
The real face of the cyber world and the information age
The Collapse Of Materialism And Union Of Faiths Conferences At Swinburne University, Australia
Islam condemns radicalism
The Error of Islamic Evolutionism
Islam: The Modern RelIgIon
The Misunderstood Islam
A 80 Million Year Old Rare Frilled Shark Fossil Found in Australia Speaks Against Darwinism
""I found peace in Islam""
Democracy Comes Naturally With Islam