The Republika and Pikiran Rakyat, seen below, are two of Indonesia"s leading daily newspapers. Both devoted space to reviews of the Indonesian edition of The Evolution Deceit.
The Evolution Deceit
Mosaic evolution deceit
The Bosnian Version Of The Evolution Deceit
A Revelatory Book: The Evolution Deceit
IndonesIan Book FaIr
Evolution Deceit
The evolution deceit
Articles On Evolution Deceit By Harun Yahya
The Evolution Deceit And The Fact Of Creation Conference At The Masjid Al-huda, Milwaukee
Indonesian Lady Converted to Islam in Turkey
The Evolution Deceit, The Fact Of Creation Conference At The University Of Roehampton
Never Plead Ignorance that Evolution is a Deceit and Allah Creates Everything
Review Of The italian Version Of The Evolution Deceit
The deceit that photosynthetic bacteria emerged with 'a small evolution' and produced oxygen
"indonesian Muslims Are Preparing To Greet The Golden Age"
Homo Floresiensis And The Facts Emerging About The Evolution Myth (Also Avaliable in Indonesian)
The Evolution Deceit, The Fact Of Creation Conference At The University Of De Monfort
The indonesian President is Reading Harun Yahya
The deceit that the human ability to think is the same as that of other living things
The Deceit That The Human Ability To Think Is The Same As That Of Other Living Things
Lucy Deceit (Australopithecus afarensis), The