Hazrat Mahdi's (as) name

Hazrat Mahdi's (as) name


The hadiths of our Prophet (saas) state that Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) name will be compatible with that of our Prophet (saas) and that Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) father’s name will be compatible with that of the father of the Prophet (saas).

According to Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi’s accounts from Ibn Mas’ud (ra), the Messenger of Allah (saas) said:“His name will be compatible with mine, and his father’s name with my father’s name...” (Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, pp. 159-160) 

According to Abu Hurairah’s (ra) account;   

The Messenger of Allah (saas) said: Even if only one day is left to the life of this world, Allah will certainly prolong that day until the coming of a man [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] from the Ahl al-Bayt whose name is compatible with mine.(Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Musnad) 

According to Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar’s (ra) account; 

The Messenger of Allah (saas) said: “The world will not come to an end until a man [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] from my Ahl al-Bayt whose name is compatible with mine imposes his rule over all the Arabs.” 

According to another account, he said: 

“Even if only one day remains from the life of this world, Allah will certainly prolong that day until He sends a man  [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] from my Ahl al-Bayt whose name is compatible with mine. He will fill the world that was previously filled with cruelty and oppression with truth and justice instead.” (At-Tirmidhi, Sunan Abu Dawud, An-Nasai, Al-Bayhaqi and Abu 'Amr ad-Dani) 

Again according to Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar’s (ra), he said: 

“The world will not come to an end until a man [Hazrat Mahdi (as)]from my Ahl al-Bayt whose name is compatible with mine establishes dominion (on earth). He will fill the world that was previously filled with cruelty and oppression, with truth and justice instead.” (At-Tabarani, al-Mu'jam as-Saghir; Tirmidhi, al-Jami` and Sunan Abu Dawud) 


The hadiths emphasize that these names will be “compatible with one another.” In other words, one must not expect Hazrat Mahdi (as) to be directly called “Ahmad” or “Muhammad,” nor his father to go by the name of “Abdullah.” (Allah knows the truth.)

Ahmad Muhammad Hazrat Mahdi (as) is the name Allah gives to one who will come in the End Times. In other words, his birth name will not be “Ahmad Muhammad Mahdi.” This is a name given him by Allah. Our Prophet (saas) does not say “his name will be the same as mine” in the hadiths; he says “it will be compatible with mine.” In the same way, he says, “His father’s name will be compatible with my father’s name.” There is a sign and a secret in this.

We must also consider this: If someone does not want the children in his family to be Hazrat Mahdi (as) he can supposedly prevent their being Hazrat Mahdi (as) by giving them another name. In the same way, he can supposedly guarantee that his son will be Hazrat Mahdi (as) by calling him “Ahmad Muhammad.” That is obviously totally illogical. Allah has selected the person He chooses in destiny and has given him the name “Ahmad Muhammad Mahdi.” Some being given or not being given that name cannot change situation in the slightest.
