Harun Yahya"s Scientific Articles

Harun Yahya"s Scientific Articles


Printed in America with a circulation of 15,000 and also read in Canada, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, the magazine Al Jumuah continues to regularly publish scientific and faith-related articles by Harun Yahya on a monthly basis in 2005. Some of these are:

In its January, 2005, issue the magazine carried Harun Yahya’s article “Homo Florensis and the Facts Emerging About the Evolution Myth.” In that article the author once again considers the invalidity of the theory of evolution, which he has already described in so many respects, in the light of the latest scientific findings. 

The February-March, 2005, issue carried Part II of the author’s article “Homo Florensis and the Facts Emerging About the Evolution Myth.”

The April-May, 2005, issue carried the author’s article “The Magnificent Technology in the Eye”.

The May, 2005, issue carried the author’s article “The Well-Guarded Sky” as a miracle of the Qur’an

The May-June, 2005, issue carried the author’s article “Tears: The Perfect Eye Drop”.

The June-July, 2005, issue carried the author’s article “The Delicate Balance on Earth”.

The July 2005, issue carried the author’s article “Biomimetics: Drawing Inspiration from the Design in Living Things”.

The November-December, 2005, issue carried the author’s article “The Miracle of Talking Birds”.

The December 2005, issue carried the author’s article “The Physical Formation of Sound in Birds”.
