Harun Yahya representatives at the UN General Assembly

Harun Yahya representatives at the UN General Assembly


Harun Yahya representatives attended the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy, "Utilizing Cultural Diplomacy to Unite the World's Cultures before Hard Power takes the Lead" in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) between September 20-22, 2017.


Dr. Oktar Babuna spoke on the topic, “Why radical Islamic teaching is a common threat for both Judeo - Christian and Islamic world” as the representative of Adnan Oktar.

Adnan Oktar Temsilcileri BM Genel Kurulunda

Adnan Oktar Temsilcileri BM Genel Kurulunda

Adnan Oktar Temsilcileri BM Genel Kurulunda

Adnan Oktar Temsilcileri BM Genel Kurulunda

Adnan Oktar Temsilcileri BM Genel Kurulunda

Adnan Oktar Temsilcileri BM Genel Kurulunda

Adnan Oktar Temsilcileri BM Genel Kurulunda Adnan Oktar Temsilcileri BM Genel Kurulunda Adnan Oktar Temsilcileri BM Genel Kurulunda

Péter Szijjártó (Macaristan Dışişleri Bakanı)

Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian Foreign Minister

Prof. Remus Pricopie (Romanya eski Eğitim Bakanı)

Prof. Remus Pricopie, former Minister of Education of Romania

Teodoro Lopez Locsin (Filipinler Birleşmiş Milletler daimi büyükelçisi, eski milletvekili)

Teodoro Lopez Locsin - The new Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the United Nations.

 Adnan Oktar Temsilcileri BM Genel Kurulunda

