A9 TV, 4 September 2011

(About the Harun Yahya messages on London busses saying “God exists.”)

Masha’Allah. The nation’s eyes and hearts have opened up. A response to the dajjal [antichrist] in his own country. The dajjal came from there, Darwin. He is finally being refuted after 100 years, insha’Allah. We have obtained excellent results, insha’Allah.

Masha’Allah. Allah has created this. I am just a helpless, weak and wretched servant of Allah. But nobody preaches the word to greater perfection than we do. If there is anyone better, they should say that “so and so is better.” I will then go and kiss the soles of his feet. I will first kiss the soles of his feet, and then his socks. No, alhamdulillah, we are the only one. Thanks be to Allah. And we are Muslims’ pride and pivot. The sharp sword of knowledge. By Allah’s leave, once Muslims draw that sword they totally annihilate disbelief, using knowledge and learning. Even those most opposed to me secretly read my books. Even those most unlike me use my books to preach with. Otherwise there is nothing they can do. How else can they do anything? The people in front of them are materialists and Darwinists. What answer is he supposed to give? The other person does not believe in Allah. So read about it from Harun Yahya first. And once they say, “Read,” the matter is finished.

A9 TV, 4 September 2011

Global Publishing, the firm known as Global that seels these books, is a company well known to me and set up by our Muslim brothers for Allah’s approval. It is not a company established for profit-making purposes. It is a firm established to produce and sell books at cost. Its owners are also well known to us. They are humble and devout people who act solely for Allah’s approval. I would not allow it if they had profit-making motives. I guarantee that. I stand as surety for Global Publishing. They engage in most excellent activities. The books they produce are excellent and superbly printed. They also distribute them. May Allah preserve them. They genuinely make no profits. I know that. Their proceeds merely go to meet ink and paper and printing costs. That is how I signed up with them. And that is how they are still working, insha’Allah.

A9 TV; 5 November 2011

Our activities in America are really excellent. American people are mature. They support freedom of ideas. They are predisposed to look favorably on Muslims. They are predisposed to look favorably on Islam.  But people with bigoted minds of course muddy the waters. It is very hard to repair the damage they do. To compare the damage done by extremists to that caused by atheists and irreligious types, the extremists are a million times worse. In other words, it is the extremists who turn people off religion. It is terrible damage. Something very tine, like a fly, can still be totally disgusting. These people are very small but also quite disgusting. But it is very hard to explain that - because it is a closed system. It is impossible to talk or explain anything. I would explain things if they could talk reasonably. I would show evidence, but they are obsessed. And since they are ignorant they are also very aggressive and ferocious. But since they call themselves Muslims, people imagine that is what ordinary, normal Muslims are like. The damage from that is immense.

A9 TV, 10 September 2011

By Allah’s leave, I allow no room for superstition when I talk about things. I talk about what is wise, true, accurate and necessary. It is very good in those terms, masha’Allah. America likes the kind of Islam I describe. The Europeans like it, and the Russians. The Russian government is delighted with it. Our activities alone are free in Europe. The Russian secret police said, “We support you. You are free to do as you please.” They support us as a policy of state because we espouse peace, love and brotherhood and oppose fanaticism. They are delighted everywhere. Take America. Can anyone preach to the U,S. Army? They never allow anyone to do that. They only allow us to do so. Muslims have never been permitted to preach in masonic lodges. Never in the history of freemasonry. We are preaching in the lodges for the first time ever. Because we genuinely wish the best for them. I want Russia to be very strong, for instance. I love the Russians. They are excellent people. They are respectful and have that Ottoman upbringing. Why should Russia collapse? Let them be wealthy. May Allah grant them well-being and make them strong and preserve them until the Day of Reckoning. Why should Russia collapse? Or America? Americans are particularly fine people, happy and agreeable. They enjoy fine talk and laughter and are physically highly attractive. Why should America collapse? Why should I want disasters to strike America? May Allah protect America from disasters. May Allah also make them economically strong. What I want is for people everywhere to live by the moral values of the Qur’an and for extremism to vanish from the Earth.

A9 TV; 15 November 2011

(About the usefulness of Mr. Adnan Oktar’s activities aimed at eliminating the tension between Israel and Iran – Shimon Peres recently made a statement saying that time was running out for Iran. But now he has issued a different statement, saying he is opposed to a military intervention against Iran, recommending economic and political sanctions instead, and using the words “I do not advise an immediate military  operation to prevent Iran building a nuclear bomb.”)

A military operation would be totally wrong, not a humane action. It would be highly illogical. An action aimed at bringing them to heel would be quite irrational. What does Iran care about an economic embargo and things like that? The thing to do is show them love, peace and brotherhood. The countries of the region must watch over and protect one another. We all believe in the same Allah. We believe in the one Allah. We must improve democracy, human rights, freedom of thought, mutual respect and love of art and science in the region, and thus eradicate that tension. What is the first thing needing to be done? To eliminate Darwinism and materialism. Materialism is ruining the region, ruining Israel. Fanaticism, bigotry and radicalism cause the same damage. We must break these twin horns of the dajjal [antichrist]. Education is needed to eliminate extremist thinking. And education comes from being allies, coming together and talking. The other way, you get a different extremism developing in every country. There is one extremism in Iran and a different one in Israel. And the extremists then take that opportunity to kill one another. Yet if extremism is eliminated, there will be no more problem, insha’Allah.

A9 TV, 24 September 2011

Hundreds of our brothers have written in, saying, “We want to meet with you.” Fine, let us meet, but we can be billions of times more effective by rendering service rather than talking. But fine, let us meet and increase our love. But service is important, isn’t it? Handing books out, preaching, holding conferences, these things are crucial. Otherwise, yes, let us talk among ourselves. But we can never get results that way. Speaking with service is most important. First go and serve, then come and tell me about it. ”We have done this and that,” tell me. That will constitute a fine conversation. But it is no good doing nothing and then saying “Let’s meet up.”

(Regarding our brother who rendered service and sent photographs in)

May Allah be pleased. Masha’Allah, alhamdulillah. This is great. This is grounds for conversation. But it is no good doing nothing and saying, “There is nothing I can do. I am too weak. I can do nothing. But I want to meet you.” Fine, but what matters is what we do. We have to render service, no matter how little. Great or small. For example, this young man may perhaps have handed out a hundred leaflets. Or have spoken to a hundred people. That is enough. That is also service. If you can’t, go and talk to people. Tell them something. But you have to do something. The important thing is to be someone who serves others, rather than preoccupied with oneself.

A9 TV; 28 October 2011

 (About the importance of A9 TV’s presentations)

This is because people do not waste their time when they watch this channel. It broadcasts 24 hours a day. Not a minute is wasted. Not a minute is unnecessary. Whenever one switches it on there are exceedingly useful programs to benefit from. Really good ones, insha’Allah. Someone who carefully watches A9 will become a real scholar.

A9 TV; September 20th, 2011

My friends are communicating the message of Islam and the Qur’an in masonic lodges. They are doing it in the Grand Masonic Lodge, masha’Allah. They read the verses and the Qur’an and expound the invalidity of Darwinism and the beauty of Islam. This is how Islam must be communicated; not by hiding in dark, secluded places. [Communicating the message is done by] Entering right into their centers and into the related places very bravely, like lions, Insha'Allah. It is done by visiting their houses, going to their places, their schools. İnsha’Allah.

One can tell the signs leading to faith, the miracles of the Qur’an, the invalidity of Darwinism and materialism. Organize conferences, if you can. Purchase books and distribute them, and thus engage in auspicious deeds. Do not lose time with vain deeds; you will be questioned for vain deeds and vain talk. Spend your time doing auspicious deeds.

A9 TV; September 2nd, 2011

We defeated Darwinism, materialism all around the world. We explained the signs of faith. Now in America and Europe they declare with dignity that they are “Muslims.” In the past they concealed themselves, they did not feel at ease. Right now there exists a single understanding of Islam. Everyone has attained self confidence. We explained the signs leading to faith to such perfection that there has remained no issue left. For instance when they hold a debate, Muslims only ask them to enter a particular site, the Harun Yahya site. Even those who are against us feel the urge to recommend our websites because there is no other thing to do. For this reason each and every  Islamic community benefits from our books. Some communities put a ban on us; the leader states the ban but the members read them. They access the Internet, purchase books and give them as gifts. Hundreds of thousands of books are being downloaded in a very short span of time. 14-15 millions of books are downloaded in a year; in only a year. This is a measure of our success, many thanks to Allah. Why? Because that is what is destined. Once Allah gives the strength, the issue is over. This is not our personal success; it is so because Allah ordains it so.

A9 TV;  October 16th, 2011

In the past Muslims remained weak and were oppressed due to some ignorant preachers who told of superstitions. But now there is a very concerted movement that silences disbelief by means of science and philosophy. Now Muslims are able to debate  disbelievers with pride and in the same manner speak of  whatever they want. In the past, they remained disabled in this obscurantist mindset because a Muslim feels a respective shame for each and every  superstition. How can a Muslim ever dare to speak of  them? Each and every superstition was a deadlock itself, each and every  superstition was a matter of humiliation and each and every superstition was a no-way-out. But because we have eliminated these superstitions and we have revealed rationalism, the facts of the Qur’an and the hadith, Muslims have started to speak about  everything with ease.

In every corner of the world we carry out a tremendously effective, splendidly beautiful and beneficial work, masha’Allah. The heavens and earth are cracking up. Every person who has learned from us turns into an atom bomb in the scientific sense. He simply takes that city under his sway. Even a person with whom we have a few-hours discourse attains the power that can enlighten a whole city and put an end to the system of the dajjal (anti-Christ) in intellectual terms. This is so fine because there is no superstition while there is rationalism, sincerity and satisfactory information. At the end of the day, we accomplish very good results, masha’Allah.

A9 TV; November 17th, 2011

(In response to the question, “What would you recommend to your students?”)

My students are lions, Insha’Allah. Each one of them are “me”. In which part of the world they may be they are like qutubs; they will raze down there. They will end irreligion, the system of Darwinism there. Everyone of them are like saints. Each one of them are saints, Insha’Allah. They are glorious people. My legacy is the Qur’an. If one abides by the Qur’an, a Muslim is responsible for establishing the Unity of Islam. A Muslim can not legate something which does not exist in the Qur’an. Right?  My will [to my students] is complying by the Qur’an. Once you abide by the Qur’an, it is the Unity of Islam, Insha’Allah. But, by Allah’s leave, you will see that it will be long-lasting, Insha’Allah. We have still so many tasks ahead, Insha’Allah. By Allah’s leave, before our task is over, our life will not be over, Insha’Allah. But as long as the Qur’an persists, Muslims work for the Unity of Islam, work for Islam; they are compassionate, affectionate, they struggle against dajjal, Darwinism and Materialism and they do not disunite. Because Allah orders us not to “disunite”.  If I say, “Do not come apart.” But according to what? We say, “According to the Qur’an.” Do I have to say this? Allah has already said it. Muslims already do not disperse. If I say, “Struggle together”, it is already told by the Qur’an. I can only say, “This is what Allah says in the Qur’an.” I can’t say something other than this. What I can do is to invite to the Qur’an. My students, brothers abide by the Qur’an. They are working on the path of Allah strenuously. Hypocrites follow a totally different path. They depict a totally different mentality.

A9TV; September 17th, 2011

Let’s assume that there is an Atlas of Creation at home and one has Marxist guests at his home. If they explain it for twenty years, Allah knows the truth, they can not convey the information he receives in twenty minutes from that book. Let him look at that book for twenty minutes, he will abandon his former thinking. There is even no need to read it; even looking at the pictures will suffice. It has such an impact masha’Allah. That is how a book saves a whole house, by Allah’s leave. It is, by Allah’s leave, a wall against the system of dajjal, masha’Allah.

In response to the question, “Our representatives have come here; you can assume the role of a mediator”:

We are already in such an activity. I love Israelis because they are of the descent of the Prophet, the sons of Prophet Abraham (as) and the Prophet Jacob (as). They are the grandsons of the prophets. Of course we love them. We love Palestinians. They are the sons of Prophet Ishmael (as). Of course I love them. I surely would not want any conflicts to happen between the sons [of prophets]. We want bliss, joy and peace to reign in the region and to be in a climate of joy and feasting. We want welfare, peace, brotherhood, security to come to the region. While this is very easy, it has become extremely complicated under the influence of satan, but we see in the 3,000 year old statements of the Torah that Hazrat Mahdi (as), King Moschiah will provide this ease and beauty. These are also seen in the hadith of our Prophet (as) uttered 1,400 years ago. Therefore the time is up. Also according to the Torah, we are at a period close to the End Times, the Day of Judgment. It is also the same according to our Prophet (saas). That is to say, we are in the last phase.

A9 TV;  September 19th 2011

It is me who published the first book on Masonry and Judaism. Alhamdulillah, Allah made me instrumental in introducing this subject through documents to the entire Turkish world and the Islamic world. Our friends are in America today. They are fiercely communicating the message of Islam and the Qur’an in masonic  lodges. We expound the adequacy of the Qur’an, the beauty of the morality brought by the Qur’an, the invalidity of Darwinism and materialism, Insha'Allah.

A9 TV; November 23rd, 2011

(Regarding the website www.dogadakimuhendislik.com designed by one of our brothers)

Well-done to our brother, masha’Allah. They say, “We have no opportunity.” Why don’t you have any opportunity? Notice that our young brother may also have no opportunity. But he has accomplished  a great work within the limited means he possesses. This means that if anyone wants, it can happen. There is nothing meaningful in saying, “There is nothing to do.”

A9 TV; November 26th, 2011

(Regarding Mr. Adnan Oktar’s friends accompanying him and their beneficial activities)

In the past they used to say; “This guy is ugly; he has lost touch with the world. He has nothing to do in this world. He, Allah forbid, is seeking to console himself. He tries to console himself

with the Hereafter.” Look, you are exceptionally beautiful. At this point, the issue becomes irrelevant. He says, “The guy is poor. Allah knows what he would do if he had any money? What would he do when he has no money? He hopes to experience his aspirations in the Hereafter. That is why he no longer aspires after this world. This is why he is devout. All our friends are wealthy. They are multimillionaires”. What happened? That theory has also lost its credibility. They used to say, “These friends are ignorant. They don’t know anything. They have no manners or general culture. If they read and make research, and occupy themselves with science, they will see the facts. They would no longer have any relation with Islam, may Allah forbid.” They [our friends] have excellent general knowledge; they are superb young people who  received their degrees from the most prominent schools and they have mastered science. They have a very good grasp of science; they have encouraged science and they love it. They consider science as a blessing. They are interrelated with science. Science has brought them to religion, Islam, faith and the Qur’an and become instrumental in them having a profound faith. Now what has become of this theory? This has also come to an end. They are super intelligent, extremely wise, they have general culture and are very classy. They have turned the entire theory upside down. Some were saying, “Brother, our places are different, we have our own separate ghettos, we have our little places. We live in basement stories, in the suburbs.” They say, “We have no relation whatsoever with the high society, the enlightened section of the society, the intellectuals. We never talk to presentable women with no scarves. We never talk to women wearing bikinis.” They used to say, “Their world is different, ours is different.” I also demolished this theory. I talk to women wearing bikinis as well as those in burqas or with veils. I embrace all of them, I love them all. They are all special people. Therefore we thwarted all sorts of blasphemy and  schemes. They were talking against our Alawite brothers. I taught them that they are very dear to us, that they are the purest people of the world. I eliminated this rage and hatred in the bigots’ minds. I said that Alawites are the people of love, that they love Allah, the Book, the Prophet, people, kids, flowers; that they love the arts. I told and taught that they are blessed and pure people who ponder deeply. That scheme is also thwarted. Then they defamed Ataturk, I proved the devoutness of Ataturk. They are now out of any plots to hatch in this issue. Right now they are struggling and we allow none of that. Once we cooperate with devout Jews and start to struggle against irreligion, they noticed that Muslims’ working hand in glove with Jews and Christians will eradicate disbelief entirely and thus they started to attack like mad dogs. We were obliged to dismiss these dogs all day long. They no longer have any breath with which to speak. They attempted to stir up fitnah but we have “extinguished” it too.  There are also those in Israel trying to stir up upheaval. We are also extinguishing them. There are also those among them. We also prevented upheaveal in Turkey. We are anti-disorder; we stop it. They attempted to divide our nation into those with scarves and those without scarves. We broke their necks. We stopped it. They tried to hatch a plot as those who side with Atatürk and those who do not. We also stopped that scheme. My nation has very well grasped Ataturk and loves him very much. They all used to love him, but there were those who did not know. We taught to those who did not know. We taught them to show respect to those well-groomed ladies without scarves. Some were explicitly enemies to them. They used to hate ladies who wore no scarves. They used to hate ladies having make-up and who wore no scarves. This hatred generated also hatred on the other side. This time, these ladies started also to hate them. It was an ongoing problem. We also stopped it, united our nation and made them brothers. The PKK became mad; it attempted to divide Turkey. Only our roaring sufficed it. They were startled like dogs. We supported the police, the courts with all our might and main, and that secession, many thanks to Allah, has been eliminated with the prayer of believers. Otherwise as you know, they were attempting to make an agreement. How is it possible to make an agreement  with a communist? How can you make an  agreement  with communists, the murderers who heeds not Allah, Allah forbid, and the Book? They say that they will establish a communist state and turn the entire world into communists. How can you make agreement  with them? They state the following: “We can agree if you also convert to communism. We broke their backs with our ideas. There is no allowing  for such schemes.

A9 TV; October 30th, 2011 

(In response to the audience member who said, “I purchased all your published books”)

When you establish a library for yourself, let it remain as it is. Do not distribute the books in your library. You can purchase the books that you would like to distribute separately and give them away. Your own library must remain as it is, Insha’Allah. It is a university. It is a glorious manifestation of a collection that has come into being from the merger  of a few universities.

A9TV; October 23rd, 2011

(Regarding the meaning of A9)

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) has nine helpers. "Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will give  struggle on nine different fronts" says [Bediuzzaman in] the Risale-i Nur Collection.  Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) has nine different traits, nine well-known characteristics. These are defined in the hadiths. Hazrat Ali (ra) makes a "nine" sign with his hand while talking about Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Number "nine" is the same in Latin and also in Arabic as well.  The number nine is mentioned in many places in the Qur'an. The number nine is very important. We preferred the number nine because it carries such beautiful meanings.  And the letter "A" brings Allah to our minds; it calls the Adn Gardens [Gardens of Eden] to our minds, insha'Allah. It is the first letter, when they are put together [A and 9], a masonic symbol comes in sight. The letter "A" is sacred in Freemasonry, it is symbolized with a compass. Nine is also sacred in freemasonry. And the world shape inside the number nine symbolizes the world dominion, insha'Allah.

A9TV; October 23rd, 2011

(Regarding the Harun Yahya announcements on the trams of Rotterdam, Holland)

Such services carried out worldwide, the services carried out in Turkey, the formation of crowds who ardently want the Unity of Islam heart and soul, has evoked the lot of the anti-messiah (dajjal) and the satan. They are attempting to crash us legally, with insults, with slanders; they are trying to do some things with the press, with  television. They cannot do anything. They will always be confronted with the justice of Almighty Allah. They tried to play a trick upon the Prophet Joseph (pbuh) as well, but the Prophet Joseph (pbuh)  became the Sultan of Egypt. They are trying to strive against us, but the Unity of Islam will be formed, insha'Allah. Let them do their worst. We are throwing down the gauntlet, insha'Allah. 

A9TV; September 12th, 2011

There is a great interest in society toward A9 TV. Masha'Allah. That is because we approach matters reasonably. We are not strict, we are sincere. I mean we evaluate  incidents lovingly with the eye of goodness. There is no fanaticism for a group. We have love for everyone. We approach everyone with compassion. We are not adopting such a purblind, stern attitude. We want everything to be good and beautiful. We want everything to be reasonable. We do not want bigotry. We want enlightenment. We want an enlightened spirit. We like art, aesthetics and beauty. We love being forgiving, and merciful. We love compassion. We want everyone to be full of love. We are giving evidence for everything that we are talking about. We do not like superstitions, insha'Allah. 

A9 TV, 29 April 2012

“It is unacceptable for a woman to be a judge,” they say. Why? Because they think they lack the brain power. Why should they not be able to be judges? What is so special about you? “No people with a woman at its head ever does any good.” They say women cannot be prime ministers or heads of anything or administrators. “Women are lacking in faith and intelligence,” what an ugly thing to claim! Allah creates His servants to be equal, with equal opportunities. This flies in the face of the Qur’an and the moral values and language of Rasulullah (saas). “Consult with women and ask their opinion, and then do the exact opposite of what they say.” What contempt is this? You do not even despise satan as much as this. Have you gone crazy? What is this hatred? Then they turn into sex perverts. “Obeying women leads to regret,” you will regret obeying them, in other words. “Let’s go and see my mother,” she says. But you must say, “No.” “Let’s have dinner,” she says, “Let’s not,” you must say. “Whoever obeys his wife, Allah will cast him face-down into hell.” In other words, whatever she says, you must reject. For example, if she says, “let’s send our children to this school,” you must say, “No.” You must say the exact opposite. “Do not consult with women, but oppose them. Because opposing women leads to prosperity.” Look, you have no respect for them at all. Whatever opinion she expresses, you have to do the exact opposite. This is cruel and immoral. Satan has declared war on these fine beings, these blessings created by Allah. That much hatred could almost lead to them ordering them to be killed. That is the only thing left. “You must leave women behind you in the same way that Allah has left them behind.” Look, they are defaming Allah, too. How immoral is that? They make them walk behind and do not respect them at all. “Misfortune lies in three things, a woman, a home and a horse.” They are obsessed. “Certain it is that a woman comes and goes in the form of satan.” So if a woman comes or goes somewhere she will always do so with the appearance of satan. In other words, she becomes satan. May Allah bring them to their senses. “If her husband’s body is covered with pus and his wife licks it clean …” Filthy, utterly disgusting. Look, “that will still not repay her debt to her husband.” Allah is showing how filthy these filthy bigots are. In other words, they know how filthy and disgusting they are, and that the woman will be repelled by them, that they stink, and they act accordingly. “When a man calls his wife to meet his sexual needs, she must respond at once. Even if she is busy with the stove or the oven…” She has to obey that disgusting man’s command without delay. See how they regard them as animals, as less than human and valueless. “If a woman divorces her husband, the scent of paradise is unlawful for her.” Look, the bigots have sorted that out, as well. So the woman cannot flee to save her life … A precautionary measure. But divorce is lawful. Why should she have to put up with filthy types like that? “O women, if you knew the rights your husbands have over you, you would wipe the dust from their feet off on your faces.” She should use her face to wipe the dust from his shoes. That is how much they despise them. “Out of 99 women, one is in paradise and the rest are in hell.” Paradise is full of these horrible bigots but just 1% of women go there. “Do not teach women to write.” They must not learn to read and write. “Leave women hungry, though not enough to harm them, and short of clothes, though without going to extremes. Because if women are well filled and attractively dressed, there is nothing they like more than going out. But if they are left rather hungry and unclothed, then there is nothing more auspicious than for them to stay at home.” You must make them utterly wretched, in other words. The poor things must always go hungry and must never receive any clothes. It must be impossible for them to go out. They must be too tired and hungry to go out. And they have no clothes, so they cannot go out. These are not just empty words, either. The bigots literally sign up to them all. You will be amazed, but they all subscribe to this. They regard it as absolute law. Nobody who is a bigot denies it. They all say it is true and act upon it. “Woman has eight natures. She resembles the ape in terms of her eagerness to dress up.” And the bigots resemble swine. Why should a woman resemble an ape? “But she is a dog in terms of not accepting poverty. She is a snake in her arrogance toward her husband and others. She resembles a scorpion in what she says day and night. She resembles a mouse for selling goods in the home. She resembles the fox in setting snares for men. And she is a sheep in her obedience to her husband.”  If you hate and despise them this much, then you yourself are no longer human. Look what they say about a good woman; “A good woman among women is like a rook among a hundred crows.” She is still basically a crow, in other words. The best she can manage is to become a rook instead. These are not just empty words going from one person to another. Ask any bigot and he will say they are true. One of the bigots’ main principles is that “The presence of five things invalidates prayer; the donkey, the pig, the Jew, the Zoroastrian and woman.” Look at the connections. Disgraceful. These words are very highly regarded, let me tell you. “Things that invalidate prayer – a black dog, a donkey, a pig and a woman.” That is from another bunch. “Were it not for women, all men would go to paradise,” they say. They are a total nightmare, in other words … “The prayer of a clean-smelling woman is unacceptable in the Sight of Allah.”  If she smells of flowers or perfume, her prayers are unacceptable in the Sight of Allah, they say. Bigots utterly and totally loathe women. You can see that on Facebook.

You can see the bigots’ hatred of women. People imagine this is just empty talk, but any bigot you may ask will believe it completely. Otherwise they will think he is irreligious. They have to sign up to it, in their own eyes. All bigots share that mindset. These horrible things they say on Facebook all stem from that mindset. May Allah bring them to their senses. Look what horrible things they say. These people of no character also defame both Allah and Rasulullah (saas). But in the Qur’an Almighty Allah says they are raised like flowers. And Allah spares them all kinds of work in the Qur’an. The provisions in the Qur’an are all of such a kind as to liberate women. They make life easier in all regards. They are all in women’s favor. Allah loads all the difficulties onto men in the Qur’an. Some idiots say, “He always addressed me.” Idiots. That is in any case a statement that protects women. It puts the responsibility onto men. Allah always places the responsibility onto men. Woman has no such responsibility, she is a blessing. Allah spares her everything. Allah spares them the responsibility of war, and everything else, so they can live at ease. The responsibility is always loaded onto men. You must look after your brother and father, He says, and your husband. Allah makes women responsible for protecting everyone.

Look, the bigots say, “A Jew invalidates prayer. A donkey or a woman invalidate prayer.” They have listed everything they hate. This is not normal, it is terrible insanity. Hatred of woman, what a vile thing that is! I did not realize they were actually this crazy. I knew they were insane, but not this stark-staring crazy. Craziness just pours out of them. They are like satan, totally abnormal creatures. They wonder, “Why was Ataturk opposed to the bigots?” How can you see what is going on and still fail to understand why he was against them? Just that issue of women by itself. They also hate children, and Christians and Jews, and this and that. They hate along regional and racial lines. They regard colored people and the Chinese as very inferior. One thing about bigots is that they also really regard the Turks as very bad and inferior. Idiots! You are Turks, too! Cretins. They are so stupid. They set it out in their own books. The same mindset as Darwin’s. Yet the Turkish nation is a very excellent one praised by our Prophet (saas). Allah shows that in practice.

A9 TV, 27 April 2012

Thinking and the knowledge discovered through thinking are knowledge inspired by Allah. The Qur’an tells us the essence of a subject. Allah tells us quite clearly. “I am here, I am One, and I created and love you.” “And I want you to love Me. Fear Me, but have a passionate fear. I have created paradise for you. I am eternal and I will make you eternal,” He says. “You will have a beginning, but no end,” He says. “I will bestow on you the finest blessings, but your love must be most fervent.” “Do not doubt Me. Think the best of Me. I create everything with wisdom and for the best. I created the test. You saw when I took the Prophet Adam without the test,” He says. More or less, those are not Almighty Allah’s exact words, of course. But that is what they mean. “I like you to take pleasure in things and to be happy,” He says. “I experience your happiness,” Allah says. “I experience all your delights within Me,” He says. Because when we experience a taste in our mouths, Allah experiences the same thing. Because Allah creates that delight. When we touch something, Allah experiences the same thing. We experience a copy of the true perception. Allah experiences the original. When we feel pain, Allah experiences the same thing. But it has no effect on Him. Why does it affect us? Because we are very delicate. Something happens and it makes us uncomfortable. Yet Allah feels exactly the same pain and everything. But the pain does not discomfort Him. But it discomforts human beings, because we are so delicate.

A9 TV, 22 April 2012

Bigots are made really uneasy by that lightening. That easing of things is also a feature of the Mahdi. We see in the hadiths that this is one of the Mahdi’s main duties. That is why bigots are against him. That is why Jewish rabbis and religious figures were against the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). They failed to kill him, but they sought to martyr him. Because he lightened the faith. When the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) came, they said “This man has killed our religion.” Because he lightened all the commandments. He eliminated commandments. They looked, and religion was very easy. “What kind of religion is this?” they said. “He has destroyed our religion,” they said.

The objection to the Messenger of Allah (saas) was the same. “This religion is very strange, it is unacceptable,” they said. Prayer is easy, purification is easy, living is easy, everything is easy, but that easy upset them. Religion being easy is what most disturbs polytheists. Almighty Allah speaks of the polytheists’ oppression. “If We had not made you firm, you would have leaned towards them a little.” He says. Polytheists really keep things suppressed. They want new commandments. “That is not in the Qur’an,” our Prophet (saas) says. “You say something then,” they say. “You are bringing in a new instruction. Make the commandments more difficult, and we will follow that religion,” say the polytheists and the unbelievers.

What the idolaters really dislike, is that the Qur’an is so easy. I read verse 31 of Surat an-Nur. Not a peep from the bigots. They went as quiet as the grave. I said that a young girl can dress in a relaxed way in front of her father. I said that as an explanation. I explained Allah’s commandment. They saw how clear Allah’s pronouncement was. They saw this surpassed their imaginings. Then they said, “If that is what the Qur’an stipulates, then I do not believe in the Qur’an.” Do you see the excess of the End Times? Some people have failed to understand verse 31 of Surat an-Nur. They have only just seen what it means. Because the verse slaps down their fantastical mindset. There is a huge lightening. One that appears in neither Christianity nor Judaism. Almighty Allah has made the religion easier.

A9 TV, 15 April 2012

(Regarding verse 31 of Surat an-Nur)

Do you know what the bigots say when they hear verse 31 of Surat an-Nur? “If that is what Allah says, if that is His commandment, then I am not a Muslim.”

In the name of Allah the Compassionate and Merciful. “Say to the believing women that they should lower their eyes and guard their private parts,” they must not enter into illicit sexual relations. “and not display their adornments – except for what normally shows.” Apart from the parts that are naturally visible. “and draw their head-coverings across their breasts.” Now, let us remove the word head. Because there is no such expression. The word head does not appear [in the Arabic].  If you say it does, then you are behaving shamefully and sinning. Women with their chests uncovered must cover them up. They must draw their covering across them. “They should only display their adornments to their husbands or their fathers or their husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons or their brothers or their brothers’ sons or their sisters’ sons or other women or those they own as slaves or their male attendants who have no sexual desire,” who have no sexual desire. “or children who still have no awareness of women’s private parts...” of women’s sexual organs. Do you accept this verse? No. But if you obey the Qur’an, you will live clean and excellent lives. May Allah bring you to your senses.

A9 TV, 11 April 2012

The bigots loathe women. Communists also undervalue them, with their Darwinist and materialist mindsets. They regard them as creatures that have not yet fully evolved, may Allah forbid. Bigots hate women, and say they are like devils. They say that if you do the opposite of what a woman tells you, you cannot go far wrong. So it is very difficult to expect people raised with this hatred, from Darwinists on the one hand and bigots on the other, to value them properly. So they want to kill them or injure or degrade them, not take them seriously. That scourge can only be lifted with the way of the Mahdi, and with Islamic Union. We can see this from the hadiths. Our Prophet (saas) says in a  special hadith that women will enjoy great security and live in peace.

A9 TV, 10 April 2012

Bigots reject the sufficiency of the Qur’an. Anyone who denies the sufficiency of the Qur’an has fallen into unbelief. There are many verses of the Qur’an saying that Allah’s commandments are complete, that the Qur’an is sufficient, that the commandments are absolute and comprehensible and clear. Allah says we will be questioned from the Qur’an. If you deny it, then you no longer have faith, may Allah forbid.

A bigot is someone who is loveless and opposed to science, who has no affection or maturity, who fails to value the values and beauties bestowed by Allah, and who is inconsiderate, unkind, crude and vulgar.

A9 TV, 5 April 2012 

What was the Prophet Solomon’s (pbuh) purpose? He wants her [Balqis] to be saved in the hereafter and to go to paradise. The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) first had a floor resembling a pool made, the floor of the palace. That would need light and many other things. A glorious technology would have to be used. The woman was also highly intelligent, a head of state. He brings her to the palace and tells her to enter the pool. The woman could have said this was not a pool. She could have said it looked like a pool but was not one. But she was convinced it was a pool. She bared her legs. Did the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) know she would bare her legs? He said that so she would bare her legs. So he knew she would bare them, and was joking with her. The woman bared her legs, but when she put her feet there, she encountered a hard floor. Then our blessed ancestor Solomon (pbuh) said that this was a floor that resembled a pool. The woman was astonished, and this was instrumental in her coming to faith, masha’Allah. She was a most wonderfully attractive woman, famed for her loveliness. Balqis the queen of Sheba has gone down in legend. All of Sheba was devoted to him after that. Do you see the effect of the love he showed that woman? Masha’Allah.

Allah tells us that the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) would rub his horses’ necks and legs. Would a bigot do that? Allah is emphasizing love here. He is teaching love, how love should be. Bigots are enemies of love. There is love in paradise and in this world. Love is a great blessing in this world. But the distinguishing feature of bigots is that they try to kill love.

The queen of Sheba became our mother. He was instrumental in a whole nation coming to believe, do you see? The love he showed her there. He joked with her, and won her over. If you leave the job to a bigot, he will just say, “You unbeliever, you impious thing.” He will order her head to be beheaded. But the prophet shows love and affection and invites her to his palace. A bigot would just turn his back. But the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) shows lobe and jokes with her and wins her over. He becomes close to her. They are alone in the palace. Would a bigot ever do that. Never. That could never happen. But it can happen with the moral values of the Prophet Solomon (pbuh).

The bigot means killing, murder, slaughter, torture, beatings … The bigot is a stranger to love, he is like an animal. Or worse than an animal. Calling a bigot an animal is a compliment. He is far lower than an animal. But we still have to pity the bigot. We must strive to free him with love. That is why Islamic Union is essential.

A9 TV, 28 February 2012

It is so important to eliminate the hatred of the bigots. We must strive to make them think reasonably, logically and lovingly because evangelicals in America are convinced that Muslims are the dajjal. “How do we know?” they ask. “Let me tell you. For one thing. They are hostile to women. They compare women to pigs and apes and donkeys. They hate them. They have no right to divorce,” they say. And then they say, “Do the exact opposite of whatever they say.”

A9 TV, 26 February 2012

“The spider turned into satan, Allah altered its form. So kill it.” The spider is satan! Just imagine how much harm this nonsense does to Muslims! It is inconceivable. They say this as narrated by Ahmad ibn Hanbal. For example, our Prophet (saas) supposedly commanded the killing of lizards. He apparently regarded them as impious. Lizards have no faith or religion, so they cannot be impious. Impiety refers to a rational person who rejects the commandments of Islam. But what crime have these poor animals committed to make them impious? Would our Prophet (saas) ever say such a thing? Our Prophet (saas) was exceedingly rational, exceedingly far-sighted, compassionate and loving.

“When the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) was thrown into the fire, all the animals on earth tried to put it out. Only the lizard did not join in. Because it fanned the flames.” What lungs does the lizard have? Why should the lizard be hostile to the prophet Abraham (pbuh)? All animals love the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and the prophets. Innocent animals that obey Allah’s command and revelation and lizards have with no intelligence. How could that poor little thing know where to go and act with hostility toward the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)? They hate dogs and they hate lizards. Theirs is a system based on hatred of animals. A system based on hatred of women, hatred of animals and hatred of everything.

A9 TV, 29 March 2012

The truth is that danger is at the gate when there is no secularism. Muslims are wronged then, too. There are teachers who say, “Secularism must be abolished.” They wear fezzes on their heads. The bigots hit that person on the head with a big stick, so he can no longer think. Yet it is by means of secularism that they are able to thump the pulpit. Do you know what every bigot claims? “What I say is the truth,” they all say. “The whole world must agree with what I say,” they say. “If they do not, we will do what has to be done with swords and sticks and torture.” Each one regards himself as totally perfect. This is a terrible thing.

A9 TV, 28 March 2012

May Allah forbid, Islam is a system that is rather prone to diversion in the direction of nonsense. It is also possible to raise intellectual and rational Muslims. But there is also the question, within that same system, of bigotry entering the equation with enormous pressure. Bigotry is a force that makes progress by suppressing people’s consciences. For example, they ask someone, “Do you pray?” He says he does. “But do you know all the fine details?” they ask. “The prayer you perform is not true prayer,” they say. “None of your prayers are therefore acceptable,” they say. And that neutralizes the person. He eventually stops praying at all. There are people who make millions of such calculations. They make it impossible to perform the ritual purification at all. “You must not laugh. That is impiety,” they say. Bigots ultimately can become powerful enough to totally transform the religion. That is why Ataturk’s opposition to fanaticism was such a great blessing. Some people use opposition to bigotry to attack religion and Islam. But that is also a disgrace. Bigotry is one thing, opposition to religion another.

A9 TV, 19 May 2012

It is unbelievable that the bigots are so stupid. All the prophets were well-off. They were all weathy, because poverty brings weakness and weakness is not becoming for a Prophet. A prophet engages in spreading Islam. While communicating the message of Islam, he needs money and material wealth. The followers of Prophet Jesus (as) sold  their lands and possessions and gave the money to Prophet Jesus (as), by which he rendered his services to Islam. For instance, Prophet Abraham (as) says in Surat an-Nisa, 54, I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan, “We gave the family of Abraham the Book and Wisdom, and We gave them an immense kingdom.” Visitors come to Prophet Abraham, and he serves food to them. People come to him, he communicates the message and tells them. He needs money and food. It is related in Surah Sad that Allah solidified the Prophet David's possessions. Allah says that He made him wealthy. For instance in Surat an-Naml, 16, it is stated, “Mankind! We have been given everything.” For instance in Surat Duha, verse 5 and 8, Allah states the following regarding our Prophet (saas), “Your Lord will soon give to you and you will be satisfied.” “Did He not find you impoverished and enrich you?” Because bigots do not take the Qur’an as a guide for themselves, they do not accept this. When we say that this is what Allah commands, they say, Allah forbid, what Allah says is wrong. They say, Allah forbid, Allah does not know but they know it. “Did He not find you impoverished and enrich you?” Bigots! Don’t you believe in the provision of Allah? But Muslims believe. You don’t believe because you are idolators. The idolators’ disbelief does not concern us. We believe as Muslims.

For instance if there are possessions which are worth five billion, then one billion of it belongs to our Prophet (saas). Imposter bigots. You wage war against the Qur’an. They do not accept the verse, “Did He not enrich you?” Allah says that one fifth of every possession belongs to Allah. The idiots have also not accepted this. “There were 24,000  camels, 40,000  sheep and 40,000  silver pieces in the Hunayn War.” One fifth of them were for our Prophet (saas). So who can say  that our Prophet (saas) was poor? Only the bounty of the Hunayn  War had no ends. Apart from that, many of the Companions of our Prophet (saas) granted their lands to our Prophet (saas). For instance, a Companion by the name of Muhairik granted seven of his date palm gardens to our Prophet (saas). Kilometres of gardens. Our Prophet (saas) was well-off, he was stylish and wore beautiful clothes.

Do not believe in  these fraudulent bigots. These abject ones are determined to overthrow Muslims.

A9 TV, 7 June 2012

It is unbecoming for bigots to get into a panic. Bigots are weak and poor. There is no need to attach much importantce to them. Allah relates us the subjects by means of bigots. There needs to be a reason. There exists an important issue about which we need to enlighten the people. It normally does not occur to our minds. Allah makes a bigot instrumental for it. A bigot objects to something; from this  we understand that our nation has to be enlightened about it.

A9 TV, 12 May 2012

The bigots also said, “Music is yours, science is yours, art is yours, entertainment is yours, attractive people belong to you, dressing well, nice perfumes, being well-groomed and attractive, having a fine presence, being nice and attractive being high class and everything all belong to you. We have come to hell here.” “We have a duty to loathe women,” they said. In other words, “we must hand a stick on the wall and beat women and treat them like animals,” they said. “We will regard them in the same category as monkeys and pigs. When they say anything, we will do the exact opposite.” They have made their position clear.

But I stood up and said, “Everything you think you have given to unbelief actually belongs to Muslims.” The earth moved. That was so painful for them. They had nowhere left to hide. Because that was their armor. “I have art, so keep away!” he said. And Muslims kept away. “I have attractive people, so keep away.” And Muslims kept away. “I have fine cars, so keep away!” “I have science, so keep away!” When the bigots heard science or saw art, they fled. They fled when they saw high quality, classy people. The bigots could not go to high quality, classy places. They could not even walk past them. Even if they did, they would be chased off. That was the situation. There was a huge wall. Nobody could get over it. Since it could not be crossed, unbelief and pride, the followers of satan, people with a Darwinist-materialist mindset, those who deny Allah and all of them felt themselves safe and at ease. They were really comfortable. For example, someone goes to a disco and sits there with his legs apart, or goes to a nightclub … There were 100% certain nothing could happen. They were sure that no real Muslim would ever turn up.

They failed to take true Muslims into account. When true Muslims appeared, when sincere Muslims began growing in numbers, all their bastions and walls came tumbling down. Beautiful women belong to Muslims, and fine houses, and nice cars, fine pictures, smart shoes, goo streets, yachts and places of entertainment have all come into the hands of believers. They came into the hands of patriots and the true lovers of the nation. They were horrified when they saw this. “Have you stopped being a Muslim and abandoned the Sunnah? What kind of Muslim behaves like that?” they say. “Come and let us teach you faithfulness,” they say. They imagine they can take away Muslims’ strength and bring back the old system. In other words, their last throes, their final offensive is to say, feebly and foolishly, “Women are dressed highly attractively, your cars are very smart, you have elegant boats and shoes. None of this is permissible in Islam.” But it is, all these things belong directly to Muslims. There is just a miscalculation here, and I am putting that right. What you see is not a nightmare, you are seeing the truth. These things all belong to true patriots, believers, good and honest people. Allah has taken away all blessing from cheats and people of no character.

A9 TV, 11 April 2012

The bigots loathe women. Communists also undervalue them, with their Darwinist and materialist mindsets. They regard them as creatures that have not yet fully evolved, may Allah forbid. Bigots hate women, and say they are like devils. They say that if you do the opposite of what a woman tells you, you cannot go far wrong. So it is very difficult to expect people raised with this hatred, from Darwinists on the one hand and bigots on the other, to value them properly. So they want to kill them or injure or degrade them, not take them seriously. That scourge can only be lifted with the way of the Mahdi, and with Islamic Union. We can see this from the hadiths. Our Prophet (saas) says in a  special hadith that women will enjoy great security and live in peace.

A9 TV, 10-April-2012

Bigots reject the sufficiency of the Qur’an. Anyone who denies the sufficiency of the Qur’an has fallen into unbelief. There are many verses of the Qur’an saying that Allah’s commandments are complete, that the Qur’an is sufficient, that the commandments are absolute and comprehensible and clear. Allah says we will be questioned from the Qur’an. If you deny it, then you no longer have faith, may Allah forbid.

A bigot is someone who is loveless and opposed to science, who has no affection or maturity, who fails to value the values and beauties bestowed by Allah, and who is inconsiderate, unkind, crude and vulgar.

A9 TV, 8-April-2012

NATO is an obstacle to bigotry. It cannot obstruct Turkish-Islamic Union, but it can obstruct bigotry. Because Allah rejects bigotry. Allah uses NATO and America. He will not allow bigotry. If you generally support the Islam of the Mahdi, then NATO, America and Russia will support it.                                

A9 TV, 29-March-2012

The truth is that danger is at the gate when there is no secularism. Muslims are wronged then, too. There are teachers who say, “Secularism must be abolished.” They wear fezzes on their heads. The bigots hit that person on the head with a big stick, so he can no longer think. Yet it is by means of secularism that they are able to thump the pulpit. Do you know what every bigot claims? “What I say is the truth,” they all say. “The whole world must agree with what I say,” they say. “If they do not, we will do what has to be done with swords and sticks and torture.” Each one regards himself as totally perfect. This is a terrible thing.

A9 TV, 28-March-2012

May Allah forbid, Islam is a system that is rather prone to diversion in the direction of nonsense. It is also possible to raise intellectual and rational Muslims. But there is also the question, within that same system, of bigotry entering the equation with enormous pressure. Bigotry is a force that makes progress by suppressing people’s consciences. For example, they ask someone, “Do you pray?” He says he does. “But do you know all the fine details?” they ask. “The prayer you perform is not true prayer,” they say. “None of your prayers are therefore acceptable,” they say. And that neutralizes the person. He eventually stops praying at all. There are people who make millions of such calculations. They make it impossible to perform the ritual purification at all. “You must not laugh. That is impiety,” they say. Bigots ultimately can become powerful enough to totally transform the religion. That is why Ataturk’s opposition to fanaticism was such a great blessing. Some people use opposition to bigotry to attack religion and Islam. But that is also a disgrace. Bigotry is one thing, opposition to religion another.

A9 TV, 24-March-2012

On its own, atheism would not have been that strong, but comparing the way that the bigots talk about Islam and the Qur’an with what Darwinists say, people will say they prefer what the Darwinists speak of. In other words, the fanatics come up with such a hellish environment and use such contemptible language that given the choice between religious fanaticism or communism people will prefer the latter. It is so dreadful that atheists, communists and satanists are able to take advantage of the road opened up by the bigots. Rationally speaking, Muslims must make no concessions to bigotry.

A9 TV, 18-March-2012

If you attempt to  perform your prayers in compliance with the mindset of the bigots, then no one would really pray. I say this sincerely, even I can bring you the person who wrote all these descriptions and I can prove that he also can not comply with them. It is impossible for a person to perform his prayers in line with those descriptions. First of all, everything invalidates the prayer, you can not make ablution. They have turned it into such a difficult task, such a complicated issue. Do not be taken in. You can with ease of heart pray just by reciting the Fatiha and even the Surah Ihlas, insha’Allah. 

A9 TV, 21-February-2012

Allah created everything on a balance. Some people we call bigots are very beneficial in preserving Ahl al Sunnah. In the other mindset, they could remove the aspects that are preserved by them. Allah made them instrumental in preserving them, because once the resources of Ahl Al Sunnah are gone, there would be great duplicity. Once the sources of hadith sources are gone, there would be great duplicity. That is why they have so many benefits.

They never want to have a great leader for themselves, it hurts their pride. Notice that they have come into a position of cracking open out of arrogance. Would such an arrogant person want that? Bigots are in the form of tiny pharaohs. As tiny pharaohs, they are ultimately arrogant and proud. Therefore they either want themselves in charge or no one. Being under the command of another person, following another person is something like  death for them. They never accept that. 

A9 TV, 20-February-2012

Bigotry is a horrible system. That is why Allah has brought the Islamic world into such a situation. That is why such misery is experienced. Ataturk did not take measures for no reason, you see. He did so because he was aware of all that.

Bigotry, insincerity, lovelessness and mercilessness have come to an end. When the name of Mahdi is mentioned, they want everyone to shut up. Why are you afraid? People are dismissed from their jobs, their schools because they advocate our Prophet (saas) and Allah. Their circle of friends leaves them because they side with Allah and His messenger.

A9 TV, 13-February-2012

To sum up, once Islam comes to reign, everyone will live in a joyful and festive environment. The world will not become a hell. The bigots are so foolish. Why has Allah brought the world down on your heads? Reflect on that. A person should wonder why a calamity has befallen him, may Allah forbid. “Why has this calamity befallen me?” he must ask himself. Do bigots ever wonder, “Why has this befallen me?” It is because you are a bigot. Because you have declared war on the Qur’an. Because you reject the age of the Companions. Allah has sent you this affliction because you have tried to make a hell on earth. That is why. Then if you ask whether you can create the same bigotry again, Allah will send another affliction on you. You idiot. He will multiply your troubles and never allow you to do it. Bigotry is over. Forget it. Bigotry no longer exists.

A9 TV, 11-August-2011

(Our brothers’ activities; distributing books and advertising A9)

These may look like very minor services, but they are very great ones. They are highly effective. They are work that will be very useful, masha’Allah. I was alone when I came to the academy. “Drop all this activity” they used to tell me, may Allah forbid. “Mind your own business. Graduate. Get married. Take care of business and bring up your children. The State has its own Religious Affairs Department, they will do it for you. What business is it of yours?” they used to say. But look, my ideas have crosses the world, alhamdulillah (thanks be to Allah). Darwinism and materialism have been intellectually destroyed. That is fine. I am doing excellent work, alhamdulillah.