Gene pool

Gene pool


Evolutionists attempt to depict variations within a species as evidence for their theories. However, variation is no evidence for evolution, because variation consists of only the emergence of different combinations of already existing genetic information. It does not endow new genetic information with its apparently new characteristic.

Variation provides a restricted diversity within any one species. These changes are limited because they only diversify already-existing genetic information within a population. It cannot add any genetic information. All that occurs is that the genetic information that already exists rearranges itself, but the boundaries of that change remain fixed. In genetics, this limit is described as the gene pool.

All the features in the gene pool of a given species may emerge in various forms thanks to variation. For example, as a result of variation breeds with slightly longer or shorter legs may emerge in a species of reptile, because the information for leg length already exists in the reptiles’ gene pool. But variation can never attach wings to reptiles, add feathers and change their metabolisms, thus turning them into birds. Any such a transformation would require an increase in genetic information, and there is no question of any such thing in variation.

Many breeds of chicken have been bred from wild forest cocks. Yet in our day, the formation of new breeds has come to an end because the limits of change possible in the wild birds’ genetic information have been reached, and no new breeds can be produced. This kind of variation represents no evidence for evolution in any way.

The same applies in plant technology. Sugar beet is an excellent example. Starting in the 1800s, famers began producing new strains of sugar beets by cross-pollination. Following 75 years of research, it became possible to increase the beets’ sugar level from 6% to 15%. Shortly afterwards, however, improvement came to a stop. The sugar level could not be raised any further, because the limits of change permitted by the sugar beet’s genetic information had been reached, and it was not possible to enhance it any further by cross-pollination. This is one of the main examples of the limits to change in genetic data.
