11 December 2000
On behalf of George Soros, I am responding to your letter of November 11, 2000... He sends his best wishes for the success of your book.
Office of George Soros
Open System
The Personality of the Housewife in the Ignorant Society
The Serbian gate is opened
A Rehabilitation Center is Open to Accept Animals
Increasing Islamophobia In Western Society
Life in the society of ignorance
Cuvier, Georges
Transition From Jungle to Open Savanna Myth, The
An open letter for stopping Mir Quasem Ali's execution
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) brow will be broad and open
The largest mosque of Northern England opened its doors
Lucas Film Ltd. ( Anne Merrifield On Behalf Of George Lucas )
The criterion of appraisal in the society of 'ignorance'
University of Hamburg Opening Academy for World Religions
The citizens of Van are opening their doors for Armenians
A new cost being imposed on Muslim societies: homosexuality
Living For 'Likes': A New Pressure On The Society
Turkish banks will open up braches in Syria
The depressions of the faithless society
French Prime Minister Fillon Attends Mosque Opening
Everyone's minds will open and they will possess greater knowledge in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Complaining About Everything - The Personality of the Housewife in the Ignorant Society 3
Adama Mickiewicza University ( Director, institute Of Physical Geography )
Harun Yahya Conference At The Plume Verte institute, France