The January 2006 edition of the Turkish magazine Focus carried a report titled “Penguins prove climate change speeds up evolution.” The brief report described a study conducted by Professor David Lambert from Massey University in New Zealand, who compared the DNA he obtained from the remains of animals. These remains he maintained were the 6000-year-old ancestors of the Adelie penguins in the Antarctic. He compared this ancient DNA with DNA taken from today’s penguins. The scientist determined a number of minor differences. The Focus report sought to give the impression that this constituted evidence for what evolutionists refer to as “microevolution” and describe as “small scale change.”

The January 2006 edition of the Turkish magazine Focus carried a report titled “Penguins prove climate change speeds up evolution.” The brief report described a study conducted by Professor David Lambert from Massey University in New Zealand, who compared the DNA he obtained from the remains of animals. These remains he maintained were the 6000-year-old ancestors of the Adelie penguins in the Antarctic. He compared this ancient DNA with DNA taken from today’s penguins. The scientist determined a number of minor differences. The Focus report sought to give the impression that this constituted evidence for what evolutionists refer to as “microevolution” and describe as “small scale change.”

However, the differences determined by Lambert concern possible “variations” within the penguin species, and there is nothing about these that represents any evidence for the imaginary process hypothesized by Darwin in his theory of evolution. The concept of “microevolution” is in fact a term employed by evolutionist biologists to express small scale changes that actually provide no support for Darwinism. However, no matter how much time may elapse, microevolution can never turn living things into other life forms by adding new genes to their DNA. Evolutionary biologists are well aware of that fact, and sometimes even admit as much.

The well known evolutionist palaeontologist Roger Lewin sets out this point, which was agreed at a well-known four-day symposium held at the Chicago Museum of Natural History in 1980, attended by 150 evolutionists:

Were Darwin"s extrapolations justified? Judging from the conclusions of many of the scientists attending one of the most important conferences in evolutionary biology in the past forty years, the answer is probably not.

The central question of the Chicago conference was whether the mechanisms underlying microevolution can be extrapolated to explain the phenomena of macroevolution. …The answer can be given as a clear, No. (R. Lewin, "Evolutionary Theory Under Fire" Science, vol. 210, 21 November, 1980, p. 883)

We call on Focus magazine to accept the fact that claims regarding microevolution are no evidence for Darwinism and to avoid the use of misleading Darwinist captions. 

Note: You can find much more information about the microevolution deception by following these links:

The Meaning of Variations

Confessions About “Microevolution”