The interpretation of electric signals in our brains
Everything we perceive with our five senses is the interpretation of electric signals in our brains
The striking detail in living things capable of perceiving electricity
The signal system that communicates diseases: The Sense of Pain
We’ll do everything we can for the peace
Are we masters of our destiny?
The Body’s Flawless Stimuli Signals
Everything is recorded in destiny
What if we felt no pain in our body
Plants with an alarm signal
Should We Accept Terrorism as a Part of Our Lives?
The Nervous System: Electricity's Journey Through Our Bodies
The Muscular System that Operates on Electrical Energy
Turkey should avoid being in Shanghai Five
We can never have direct experience of the world that forms in our brains || Forms in our brains
The Sole Energy of Our Body: Electricity
The body's flawless stimuli signals
The Electric System in your Heart
Berdimuhamedov: “Turkey is our strategic partner; we are two states but one nation”
Ali Babacan: We Cannot Let Anyone Overbear Our Prime Minister
"harun Yahya; Possesses The Valuable Ability To Produce Electric Shocks"
Blossoming Egypt-Turkey Trade Signals the Beginning of a New Era
USA: We are not at war with Islam; our reference is Turkey