International news website based in New York – USA, Rescue News, published Harun Yahya’s article "Do Not Forget Nigeria While Standing Up For Charlie" on January 25th 2015. You may read the article at the below link.
Do Not Forget Nigeria While Standing Up For Charlie
Do not forget Nigeria while standing up for Charlie
Why Do People Sorrow While They Could Be Happy?
Why do Darwinists not give up?
Hüseyin Çelik: Whoever Exploits We will Stand Up to Him
Our big brother Turkey, do not forget us anymore
Never forget to remember Allah
Pray while there is still time
The Shameful Silence of the World for the Girls of Nigeria
Bigotry stands in the way of peace
Never forget
We do not oppose Islam and never will do
Standing up for the right, not the most powerful
Long-Standing Communists in Turkey
Never forget the existence of Satan
President Erdogan: ‘It is not acceptable to bring up hostility from the past and cause new conflicts, and it is also not useful for us while building our new common future.’
Stranded at sea with nowhere to go as world stands by
United, Malaysia And Turkey Stand Strong
A festival that stands the test of time...
Why denouncing the 'Charlie Hebdo' attack is not enough
Ever growing long-standing Turkish-Russian relationship
Syrian Women Still Stand Strong
They Do Not Think About What They Are Doing - The Character of Elderly Men 4
Never forget to repent and ask for forgiveness for your wrongdoings