What He Said?What Happened?

MPL TV, 21 November 2008 Adnan Oktar:  

THE WORLD NEEDS A NEW, MODERN OTTOMAN IN THE WAY HUMAN BEINGS NEED WATER. In other words, the Turkish-Islamic Union, a great Turkish-Islamic Union supported by the Turkic states and under Turkish leadership. That will literally make a heaven on earth. It means amazing economic prosperity for Europe, America, Russia and China, because the oil and mineral wealth of all Islamic and Turkic countries will flow to them. They will also develop their commerce with the technical equipment and means obtained from there. They will come and build hospitals and facilities and roads. We will go and engage in useful activities in their business. There will be a mutual exchange of technology, science and art. Terror will come to an end in a moment. It will come to an end totally and from the roots. There will be no more cost against terror.Since peace and stability will ensue plenty and abundance will rain down, as it is narrated. There will be a glorious ease. We are in the Ottoman age. We are in the Turkish age. The age of the Turkish-Islamic Union. The age when the social justice and moral values of Islam rule. We will see all this in the next 10-15 years, insha’Allah.

Yeni Asya, 27 January 2011

Historical Ottoman confession from Hungary

The Hungarian lands were invaded in 1541 by Suleiman the Magnificent and remained under Ottoman rule for 160 years.

 Pal Schmitt, the President of Hungary, praised Turks in his statement he made to the Spanish ABC newspaper: “I  consider being under the rule of Turks for 150 years as an opportunity. If our lands were invaded by not Turks but another country, they would want us to convert to another religion and speak another language and thus we would be assimilated. For 150 years Hungary had been a strategic location for Turks.”