Based in UK, Voix Magazine published Harun Yahya’s article “Choosing Our Priorities” on August 18th, 2014. You may read the article at the below links.
The Priority in Libya
Learning to choose love || Daily Mail
The Priority In Libya
Halting bloodshed must be first priority globally
Choosing Our Priorities
Knowing our Lord || Knowing our Lord
Miracles in our Lives
Idolatry in our age
Miracles in our bodies || Miracles in our bodies
Our Soldiers Did Not Forget The Families Of Our Martyred Village Guards
Learning to choose love
Repair and regeneration in our bodies
The region that controls our movements
Everything we perceive with our five senses is the interpretation of electric signals in our brains
The minuscule cinema inside our brain
Our life spans are simply a perception
Brainwashing our youth
Are we masters of our destiny?
The Exemplary Justice Of Our Prophet (saas)
This picture is our monument
Traces of the Ottoman Empire in Our Foreign Policy
'Ahmadinejad is our friend'
Let our voice be heard, now
Our Conference at the Clausthal University on the German Press
Our Expectations from the Future President of the USA