The complex structure of the cell was unknown in Darwin’s time. For that reason, evolutionists of the day believed that it was perfectly reasonable to answer the question of “How did life emerge?”  by saying “Through coincidences and natural events.” Darwin suggested that the first cell would have had no trouble forming in a small, warm drop of water. (See The Abiogenesis View, the) But the fact is that 20th-century technology, which made visible even to the tiniest microscopic details, revealed that the cell was actually the most complex structure yet encountered. Today we know that the cell contains energy-producing plants, factories that produce the enzymes and hormones essential to life, a data bank containing all the information about the products to be manufactured, a complex transportation system that carries raw materials and products from one region to another, pipelines, advanced laboratories and refineries that break down raw materials brought in from the outside, and cell-membrane proteins that regulate the entry and departure of various materials from the cell. And this is only a part of the cell’s complex structure.

The evolutionist scientist W. H. Thorpe writes, “The most elementary type of cell constitutes a ‘mechanism’ unimaginably more complex than any machine yet thought up, let alone constructed, by man.” 76

So complex is the cell that even today’s advanced technology cannot duplicate one. All the research aimed at making an artificial cell has ended in failure. The theory of evolution, on the other hand, maintains that this system—which man has been unable to replicate with all the knowledge and technology at his disposal—once formed by chance on the primeval Earth. This is far less likely, for instance, than even an explosion in a publishing house resulting in the coincidental printing of an encyclopedia.

The British mathematician and astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle offered a similar analogy in the 12 November 1981 edition of Nature magazine. Despite being a materialist, Hoyle stated that there was no difference between a living cell coming into being by chance and a Boeing 747 jet spontaneously assembling itself when a whirlwind hit a scrap yard.77 In short, it is not possible for a cell to form spontaneously, as the result of coincidence.

One of the main reasons why the theory of evolution cannot explain how the cell came into being is the irreducible complexity it possesses. (See Irreducible Complexity.) A cell thrives through the its large number of organelles all working together in harmony. It cannot survive in the absence of any one of these. The cell cannot wait for such unconscious mechanisms as mutation and natural selection to develop it. Therefore, the first cell to appear on Earth must have been fully formed, together with all the organelles and biochemical functions essential for its survival.

In the human body, there are more than 100 trillion cells, some of them so small that a million of them would cover only the tip of a needle. However, biologists unanimously agree that, despite its minute size, the cell is the most complex structure that science has yet confronted. The cell, continuing to harbor a great many unresolved mysteries, represents one of the major dilemmas facing the theory of evolution. The well-known Russian evolutionist A. I. Oparin says:

 Unfortunately, however, the problem of the origin of cell is perhaps the most obscure point in the whole study of the evolution of organisms.78

The cell is the building block of any living organism. Therefore, it is impossible for a theory—which cannot even explain the emergence of the proteins and amino acids that comprise the cell—to account for the appearance of living things on Earth. On the contrary, the cell constitutes one of the clearest pieces of evidence that all organisms, including human beings, are created.

Yet evolutionists still manage that living things emerged by chance in the most uncontrolled environment possible—that existed on the primeval Earth. This claim can never agree with the scientific facts. In addition, even the simplest mathematical calculations have proven that chance cannot give rise to even one of the millions of proteins in cells, let alone to a cell in its entirety. This shows that the theory of evolution, far from being rational and logical, is a collection of scenarios based on imagination, fantasy and implication.

Despite holding evolutionist views, the zoologist David E. Green and the biochemist Prof. Robert F. Goldberger have this to say in a paper in a scientific journal:

The popular conception of primitive cells as the starting point for the origin of the species is really erroneous. There was nothing functionally primitive about such cells. They contained basically the same biochemical equipment as do their modern counterparts. How, then, did the precursor cell arise? The only unequivocal rejoinder to this question is that we do not know.79

The perfect harmony and cooperation between cells is just as astonishing as the existence of a single cell. All the cells in a human being come into existence through the division and multiplication of a single embryonic cell. And all the information regarding the present structure of our bodies—their shape, design and all their features—is present in the chromosomes in the nucleus of that first cell, from the very beginning.

The continuity of any human’s life depends on the harmonious functioning of the components of the cells and of those cells with one another. Even while the cell works together with other cells in great order, it also maintains its own life in a state of and a delicate equilibrium. The cell identifies and produces a great many substances, including the energy necessary for its survival and to maintain that order and equilibrium. Those of its needs it cannot meet by itself, it selects very carefully from the outside—so selectively that none of the random substances in the external environment can enter by chance without the cell’s permission to do so. There are no aimless, unnecessary molecules in the cell. Their controlled exit from the cell also takes place as the result of strict monitoring.

In addition, the cell possesses a defense system to protect it from all external threats and attack. Despite all the structures and systems it contains and the countless activities that take place in it, an average cell is not the size of a small city, but just 1/100 millimeters in diameter. Each of the cell’s functions listed above is a miracle in its own right. (See DNA.)

76 W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, pp. 298-299.
77 “Hoyle on Evolution,” Nature, Vol. 294, November 12, 1981, p. 105.
78 A. I. Oparin, Origin of Life, p. 196.
79 David E. Green, Robert F. Goldberger, Molecular Insights into the Living Process, Academic Press, New York, 1967, s. 403.