Never Plead Ignorance of the Fact that the Qur'an is the Just book, and that you Will be Judged According to It
The invalidity of the claim that ''objecting to evolution stems from a standard psychological unease''
Russian-Turkish friendship can’t be damaged by crises
The Miracles of Jesus in the Bible and the Koran
Language of peace should prevail among nations
Separatist movements and the medicine of love
The Brain's Superior Nerve Cells
Turkey is also active in the UN
The fine tuning in the universe
The wisdom behind mistakes
Greece Must Not Prepare Its Own Doom!
Emulating Gardens of Eden
Why does the world turn a blind eye on children’s cries coming from a far corner in Southeast Asia?
The leader will be Turkey, if the world order is to change
Surat ash-Shu‘ara’, 1-66
10 Notorius Darwinist Fabrications
Together With Our Old Friend Egypt Once Again
Denmark's Minister Of Education Supports The Atlas Of Creation