5 July 2007My boundless thanks for the valuable book you have gifted me with. It has aroused a great interest in me and is a precious work for my library.With cordial greetings,RectorSalvatore Marzano
Orbits and the rotating universe
Science And The Creation Of The Universe
Al-azhar University
God created the universe from nothing|| Creation of the universe
Some miracles of the Qur’an relating the universe
A universal law to fight terror
Vanderbilt University
AL-BARI' - The Maker
The invalidity of the claim that there is disorder in the universe and the world
The bans that cannot be breached in universities
Department of Islamic Research to be opened in a German University
Representatives Of Harun Yahya At The University Of Brunei, Darussalam
God created the universe from nothing
The end of the universe and the big crunch
Allah is the owner of the whole universe
Quran verse posted at US Harvard University
Harun Yahya Conference Series At The University Of Auckland
The Theory Of Evolution Has Begun To Be Questioned In French Universities
The expansion of the Universe
Harun Yahya Conference At The University Of Greenwich
The perfect equilibrium in the universe
University Of Utrecht ( Professor Emeritus Of intercultural Theology )
The Fine Tuning In The Universe
The coming of the universe into existence