May 26th, 2007: French Television and Magazine Interview ADNAN OKTAR: Marx carries out the part, that is about him. He also claims that, the living beings and nature are tied to the dialectic laws, there is a dialectic improvement, that there is a rambling system, the world is all chaos, there is no control of an intelligent mind, there are a lot of conflicts, and as a result of these conflicts like thesis, antithesis, synthesis, new improvements come to life, these rules are prevalent for all living things, and these rules are prevalent for the social system as well. That’s why he says that there are fascist focuses in a country, and he says there are Marxist/ Leninist focuses against them. They conflict and as a result there is thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Synthesis brings a new thesis inside and new antithesis come up against it, and there is always this continuous conflict. They claim that there is always a struggle.
A9 TV: June 16th, 2013 ADNAN OKTAR: Imperialism and communism are one within the other. They are like brothers. They are families; fascist thought, communist thought, wild capitalism. Their father is wild capitalism. On the left side, his son communism, on the right side his son fascism.
A9 TV: October 20th, 2012 ADNAN OKTAR: Gog and Magog is a communist movement; now the PKK is Gog and Magog. It is a mixture of fascism and communism. Every communist movement has a fascist soul inside. Also every fascist movement has a communist soul inside. |