Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs: We Do Not Have Any Pre-Conditions For The Normalization of Our Relations With Turkey

Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs: We Do Not Have Any Pre-Conditions For The Normalization of Our Relations With Turkey

What He Said?What Happened?

In his conversation programs and articles, from time to time Mr. Adnan Oktar reminds his viewers that the relations between Armenia and Turkey must be improved. In one of his recent programs, he emphasized that no pre-conditions must be laid down to better the relations between these two countries that it is wrong to claim land and that love and friendship must be improved as a priority.

As an example of the positive impact of these statements, Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Eduard Nalbandyan recently noted that they do not have any pre-conditions for the normalization of relations with Turkey.

April 13th, 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: I said, “Do not bring this up. It’d be a shame. It is like slander. How could they ever accept it? What kind of friendship is it? You have a guest and it is like you are saying, “First give me money and then we can talk.” He took away that land. There is a way of doing things; this is not the way. You become friends and you love one another. It is an empty piece of land. They don’t have any settlements there. They are under the influence of Azarbaijan. In that way, Azarbaijan’s pride was hurt and it was humiliated. Of course they’d say such things. But you are their elder brother and you must step in between them.

April 15th, 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: I said, “Let’s unite with Armenia and bring this issue to an end.” But they dwelled on this more and more. It was finished and they also made a gesture. There is a burning memorial in Armenia and they put that fire out. It was a nice gesture. But some people said, “Salam alaykum, we want some land.” What kind of courtesy is that? You went there for friendship and you say,” Salam alaykum, first give me some land.” This is not the way. First you become friends. What are they going to do with the lands they occupied? They are all empty. What will we do? We will maintain our dignity and treat our Armenian brothers with compassion. It doesn’t matter what people are talking about; we must continue with our sincerity.

April 20th, 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: The most important issue that prevents our friendship with our Armenian brothers is this demand for land. I said, “Don’t do this. This is not civil.” Also Armenians are not ambitious about land. They don’t care about that: It is an empty piece of land. They don’t want anything. It is obvious that they will give it, but it would not be appropriate to say it beforehand. It would not be polite. They are not practicing the spirit and courtesy that such love requires.

April 22nd, 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: First of all, this business about demanding land is a shame. Azarbaijan is hurting because she feels humiliated. They constantly encourage Turkey. If they could, they would have dealt with this by now, since this is not something that could be dealt with hollering and yelling. Kindness will work.

April 23rd, 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: LAYING DOWN PRE-CONDITIONS WOULD BE SHAMEFUL. It’d be out of line. They are your guests. You will make friends with them. If you say, “Turkey’s interests are a priority” it would mean, “I am egoistical.” Then how could you be friends? This is not how friends talk. First you become friends and in that friendship you act politely towards one another. Things develop within that.

April 24th, 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Look at my previous interviews from three years ago and you will see. I explained at length. I said, “Let’s open the borders with Armenia.” Azarbaijan is a country with broken pride: A country with broken pride would of course make a lot of noise. You must calm them down. Call for Putin; Azarbaijan would listen to Putin. You’d sit down together and say, “They took away your land, but let’s be friends and these matters will all be solved.”


May 7th, 2015: Internet Haber

Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Eduard Nalbandyan said that they do not have any pre-conditions for the normalization of relations with Turkey. Nalbandyan claimed that his country has never demanded any land from Turkey. He noted that they do not have any pre-conditions about the 1915 Incidents in order to normalize relations with Turkey.
