Onislam.net, the Islamic web site broadcasting in English and Arabic from Egypt throughout the world, published Harun Yahya’s article titled “Allah’s Infinite Greatness and Power” on the 27th of September, 2011.
An example from Almighty Allah's infinite power: Hurricanes
In 2023 Turkey will be a great power
Allah is all-powerful
Allah will bestow a great blessing and power on Hazrat Mahdi (as) in a single day
Memory: Allah’s great blessing
Infinite blessings
The infinite love to be enjoyed by the will of Allah
Powerful notion
Love for Allah Bestows Great Spiritual Strength
The papacy's great responsibility
Powerful voices...
Refugees with no great expectations
The Power of Atom
Power of Prayer
Allah Almighty’s infinite power and greatness
Powerful voices
The Moscow summit and the great alliance
Turkey will be a super power
Is This The Will Of Yemenis Or The Global Powers?
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a very powerful body and voice; at the same time his words and speech will have a great impact across the world
Turkey, the new super power
Increasing the power of soul
Newly Discovered Species are the Manifestation of God's Infinite Knowledge