The Gulf Today, an English-language newspaper published in the United Arab Emirates, devoted a place to Harun Yahya’s article titled “All praise is for Allah” on the 09th of July, 2014.
Praising and glorifying Allah at specified times
Islam praises women
Submit to Allah under all conditions
Wall Street Journal praises Turkish economy
Acknowledge All of Allah's Blessings
Never forget that Allah created all living things
Clinton praises tolerance in Muslim Russian region
Not all acts might have the same value in the sight of Allah
Allah Creates All Events Specially So That Islam Can Reign Across the World
Solidarity for All
The thunder glorifies His praise
The coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) is foretold in all the divine books, the revelation of Allah
Praise For The Atlas Of Creation From The German Weekly Stern
AL-QAWEE - The All-Strong
All for one, one for all
Allah will eliminate all the difficulties for Hazrat Mahdi (as) and bestow constant success and victory on him
All is good for a believer
Surat al-Isra', 44 (Everything praise and glorify Allah)
Distrusting Allah
All’s Not Fair in Politics
Seeing good in all that happens
Houthis Are The Brothers Of All Yemenis
All’s not fair in politics