1. You are widely famous for your pen name Harun Yahya, and your real name is Adnan Oktar. Why do you use a pen-name?

God informs the believers in the Qur'an that Prophet Aaron (as) and Prophet John (as) were sent to help Prophet Moses (as) and Prophet Jesus (as) respectively. Likewise, Muslims are the helpers, friends and brothers and sisters of the Messenger of God. I am using the pen name Harun Yahya as a sign of my prayers and intention to be a helper of the Messenger of God in the End Times. It is a name chosen with the intention to become a person who helps, supports, protects and watches over the prophets as Aaron and John did. 

2. Your concentration is entirely dedicated to refute some antagonistic venomous theories such as Darwinism and Romanticism. Why?

People complain about wars, exiles, wrongdoings and injustices, and they all want a change in the way things are going yet most of them either fail to or do not bother to identify the main reason that makes the world a ruthless, selfish, loveless and soulless place. People have virtually been clawed in their backs, but they do not bother to take a look at their backs to see whose claw it is. They do not dwell upon what it is that teaches people to be selfish and ruthless. What does Darwinism claim? It comes forth with the twisted claim, "Everything is a product of coincidences; life has no point. You derived from animals; fight and struggle among each other and only then will you obtain power." On top of that, it purports that this is a scientific fact, despite a complete lack of evidence. It presents cruelty, ruthlessness and selfishness to people as a scientific requirement. Showing people that this is nothing but a hoax means the utter elimination of conflicts, disputes and injustices. Evolution is not science: It is an idolatrous belief dating back to the Sumerians, to ancient Egypt. It is a pagan view that basically mocks people's intelligence. When Darwinists are asked about who brought about the banana, the strawberry, the cat, the rabbit, a daisy and humans along with the perfect order, knowledge and aesthetic in them, they reply, " chance." Chance is incapable of creating the cell that operates like a metropolis. Chance is incapable of producing millions of pages of data coded in the DNA. Chance is not familiar with symmetry, golden ratio or aesthetic. All is perfectly created by God. 

As for romanticism, it is a movement introduced by satan to estrange people from rationalism, sensibility, love and friendship. Romanticism has no affiliation with love whatsoever. Romanticism drives people away from conscientious and rational assessments, and into harming both themselves and those around them through sudden reactions, anger or a misguided enthusiasm. Therefore, explaining the erroneous nature of romanticism will provide a sound perspective to people upon which they can act reasonably. 

3. What are the concrete tangible results ensued in the wake of distributing and propagating your views worldwide?

I embarked on my scientific efforts in 1979; I was a university student back then. I produced a leaflet that proved the invalidity of the theory of evolution based on evidence. Today, I have more than 300 books in 73 languages. My articles are regularly featured on 216 newspapers, journals and websites in 43 countries. My live broadcasts reach millions of viewers every day in English, Arabic, Russian and French. God willing, as a result of this major effort, far fewer people believe in Darwinism today. Even the most famous advocates of Darwinism have taken a step back. Public surveys clearly attest to this fact as well. Thank God that me and my friends have been influential in spreading Qur'anic Islam to the world. With the way we live, we have demonstrated the entire world how Muslims can lead high-quality, lively, cheerful lives that value arts, science and quality. Islam used to remind people of unkempt, introverted, unhygienic ghetto-dwelling individuals who reject music, paintings, sculptures, a life of joy and beauty. We have shown that this is not the real Islam; that true Islam is the religion described in the Qur'an, the religion that brings beauty into people's lives. Thus, we have eliminated the influence of the system that alienates people from Islam and inclining them towards atheism. 

4. You are a fervent feminist who supports the freedom and entire emancipation of women to the extent that you take photos with them while they wear bikinis. What's your comment on that?

It is God who grants this freedom to women. When we take a look at the Qur'an, for example, the 31st verse of Surah an-Nur, we see that women are granted immense freedom. This verse tells us that women need to cover only their breasts and genitals. And in the 59th verse of Surah al-Ahzab, God commands that women can decide, of their own will and conscience, to wear a burqa to cover their revealed body parts in case of need. But one should pay attention to the fact that God leaves it up to the women's consciences to decide in which conditions burqa should be worn. If a woman feels safe and believes that she is in the company of people whose wisdom, faith and conscience she trusts, she can wear a bikini in that setting. There is nothing incompatible with the Qur'an in that. (For further and extensive information on this subject, our brothers and sisters can refer to the following book: Bigotry: The Dark Danger

The notion that regards women as potential sinners and dictates what they must and must not do is a part of both Darwinist -materialist ideologies and the traditionalist Islamic concept, which is not prescribed by the Qur’an. God wants all the impositions which have no place in the Qur’an to be lifted. 

5. Can you elaborate your view on the equality of men and women? 

Men have no superiority on women, or vice versa, that enables one gender to oppress the other. However, a closer look will reveal that, compared to men, women are more considerate, merciful and patient beings who are capable of see things more thoroughly, familiar with and bask in profundity, and are capable of intricate assessment of things. This puts women in quite an advantageous position. In my opinion, women must be given precedence and be in the majority in every area and aspect of life. For example, at least the half of the members of parliaments all across the world should comprise of women. A world governed by female wisdom, finesse, beauty and compassion would surely turn into a heavenly place. 

6. Are you in principle, with or against women wearing the veil (Hijab)?

As I have just mentioned, the hijab is not a commandment of the Qur'an; God commands women to wear a burqa in situations where they need to protect themselves. Only in such circumstances does God command women to go out wearing a burqa that covers their bodies from head to toe. But if our female friends wear a hijab instead of a burqa in places where they feel unsafe for the purpose of this commandment, then doing so is in line with the Qur'an. If they wear revealing clothes in places they feel safe, then this, too, is line with the Qur'an. 

7. Do you agree with the burkini, which is widespread in some Western and Eastern beaches? 

If a woman feels comfortable wearing a burkini, let her wear it; if she feels comfortable wearing a bikini, then let her wear it, too. Women should not be told what to do. Women know how to protect themselves very well through their own wisdom and conscience. There is a prevalent view, in both the West and the East, that women must be told how to live. No one tells men what to wear, what to do and how to swim. So telling women what to do is also irrational. 

8. What's your assessment of the situation of women in Turkey, the Arab regions and Islamic World?

Despite all the freedoms women are granted by the Qur'an, compared to the West, women of the Middle East and other Islamic countries live under harsher conditions. They enjoy relatively more freedoms in Turkey, but the freedom in the Qur'an, the freedom I find ideal, has yet to be achieved. This is of course due to the traditionalist Islamic conception which is not prescribed by the Qur’an. It is not possible for women to enjoy their freedom where a mentality, which regards women as half-beings, thinks that women should be beaten, forbids women from laughing or going out, and believes that hell will be teeming with women, prevails. God willing, the Mahdi era will be the time when women achieve total freedom exactly as stated in the Qur'an. In a hadith, the Messenger of God (saas) says that, women will be able to freely travel from Damascus to Mecca on their own in the Mahdi era. They will enjoy such freedoms that they will travel on their own to their hearts' content without any worry. They will not be scorned upon, nor suffer harassment and oppression. 

9. Why do you appear to swim against the current in Islamic society? Is this just to attract attention or do you have a new method applied to post-modernism and secularism?

The only thing I seek is to gain God's approval as much as I can. I read the Qur'an and try to put what I comprehend from the Qur'an into practice. I do not urge people to follow my suit, either. I urge them to follow the Qur'an. Looking at the Qur'an, I see that my lifestyle and the methods I use to spread the religion are in line with the Qur'an. Since I am a student of the Qur'an, I ask those who criticize me to make their criticism also in accordance with the Qur'an. I am open to criticism if they can prove through the verses of the Qur'an that something I do is wrong. However to date, I have yet to be told that what I am doing is wrong based on a verse of the Qur'an. They are truly convinced that beauty, wealth, quality, art and science are in the hands of the disbelievers. That is why they cannot believe that Muslims could also enjoy these blessings bestowed by God in their lives. However, both modernity and secularism exist in the spirit of the Qur'an. Prophets were the most modern people of their era; all of them were ultramodern. And the commandment of the Quran "You have your religion and I have my religion" (Surah al Kafirun, 6) is the most succinct description of secularity. 

10. You are called by conservatives an altered version of an Islamic secular personality who adheres to what is called liberal Islam; what's your comment?

The attitude that I criticize and object to the most is making additions to and omissions from the Qur'an. Mind you, the notion you define as "liberal Islam," in its essence, omits commandments from the Qur'an. What I advocate, however, is the complete practice of the Qur'an. If you take a closer look at the segment that you call conservative, you will see that the vast majority of them do not explain or advocate the burqa commandment, although it is in the Qur'an. They think that advocating the burqa will provoke negative reactions. I, however, tell explicitly and clearly exactly as God commands in the Qur'an that it is a religious duty for Muslim women to wear a burqa when they deem necessary.

11. You are referred to in some circles as a cult leader in Turkey. Why and what is your comment about this?

I am not a cult or sect leader, nor am I a member of any sect. The reason this issue is frequently brought up is that the first news pieces published about me addressed me as "Adnan Hodja," and introduced me and my friends as a sect. I have said time and time again that I am neither a preacher nor a scholar; I am simply a sincere Muslim. My friends do not see me as a cult leader either; they see me as a friend whom they love dearly and I see them as my beloved friends. I am a person who really enjoys having fun, joy, beauty and art. I think people should live their lives to the full with enthusiasm, and with a love and passion for God, without overstepping the boundaries drawn by God in the Qur'an. 

12. What is your comment about the ladies on A9 TV, known as the "kittens"?

I love cats very much, because they are very sweet animals that know and can express love very well. Women too have a higher sense of understanding and appreciation for love; in this regard, cats and women are alike. So I sometimes say to my friends "love your pretty kitten heart" as an expression of love, which is the reason why the name "kitten" became well known in Turkey. 

13. Do you think that Islamic propagation rhetoric should be reformed, and if so, what are the means?

There is no such thing as reform in Islam. Religion doesn't need to be reformed. The only thing that needs to be done is to adhere to the Qur'an, to accept that the Qur'an is sufficient. Our Prophet (saas) had only one complaint: ‘My Lord, my people treat this Qur’an as something to be ignored’ (the 30th verse of Surah Al-Furqan). This is the reason of all the problems in the Islamic world today. God says in the Quran, "...We have sent down the Book to you making all things clear and as guidance...” (Surah an-Nahl, 89); “...We have not omitted anything from the Book...” (Surah al-An’am, 38) But despite the word of God, may God forbid the thought, they say "No we know better, the Qur'an is not enough." And this leads to inauspiciousness, backwardness, lack of quality and art to prevail in their lives. 

14. What are the best tools and means that may be aptly wielded to fight terrorism?

Education. As long as ideological training against terrorism is not provided, military measures will never yield results. We already see that they don't in the whole world. Terrorist organizations provide ideological education before teaching their militants to use weapons. First, they establish the foundation of belief. They convince that person to kill and die. In communist terrorist organizations, this is achieved through the education of Darwinist -materialist philosophy. The militants are taught false beliefs that they are so-called animals, they have to be selfish and merciless, and that conflict is essential to return to a primitive communal society; the radical terror organizations have many Islamic sources which are not prescribed by the Qur’an. It is inevitable that someone who believes that a person who does not pray, who drinks alcohol, or who steals must be killed will eventually be violent. The only thing to do is to reveal the invalidity of what these radical groups believe. If the invalidity of Darwinism is scientifically explained, the truths and miracles of the Qur'an are taught, and if the sufficiency of the Qur'an is explained, terrorism will cease to be a problem in the world. 

15. You issued a book on what you called the Religion of the Ignorant, lashing some social customs and habits on all levels. As you know Sayyed Qutb issued his views on what he called Twentieth Century Ignorance. Do you agree with him?

Sayyid Qutb is one of the important names of Islamic tradition, his ideas and works are valuable. However, I can't say that I agree with all his opinions. The morals and culture of ignorance is a notion that is included in the Qur'an with its wrongful ways. It refers to a way life prior to the revelation of the Qur'an. Today, a similar culture of ignorance has developed in many countries as the people have moved farther away from the Qur'an. But what is important is how to fight against this culture of ignorance. I believe that it must be achieved through knowledge, art, beauty and love. There is no problem that cannot be resolved through a loving and compassionate approach. 

16. Your friends met the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. As this is a very sensitive subject in the Islamic world, what would be the message you wish to deliver?

We have been in touch with the prominent circles of Israel for many years. High-ranking Rabbis, politicians and opinion leaders from Sanhedrin often come to Turkey as our guests. My friends also visit Israel and organize conferences, communicating true Islam to people. Such a connection and joint work between Jews and Muslims is the course our Prophet (saas) followed, in line with the teachings of the Qur'an. Our Prophet (saas) often hosted Jewish and Christian guests, and these guests often stayed at the companions' houses. When encountered a Jewish funeral, The Messenger of God (saas) stood up and showed respect. When we look at the Qur'an, we see that there is a warm connection between Muslims and the People of the Book: God made their food lawful for Muslims and it is also lawful for Muslims to marry Jewish and Christian women. Marriage is the closest and warmest tie between communities. Today, establishing friendly ties between the two communities is paramount for peace in the Middle East and in the world. 

17. In one of your books, which you talked about the shrines and temples of all the monotheistic religions, you mention that the Jewish people and Muslims should co-exist in love and peace. Why do you defend such view and solution despite the wide-spread despite objection in the Islamic and Arabic world?

These lands are considered holy lands by Muslims, Christians and Jews alike, and they are large enough for all of them to live together fraternally. We all have lived together in these lands for 400 years as Jews, Christians and Muslims. Today, it is possible for us to live in a modern, enlightened, and loving spirit all together. According to the Qur'an, the Israelites will be in this land. These are the lands of their ancestors just as well as our own. The people of Israel and the Palestinian people are the children of the same Prophet; they are both descendants of Prophet Abraham (as). It is actually strange to be surprised at the grandchildren of the Prophet living together in peace. The norm is friendship and love, but people are so accustomed to conflicts, fighting and being divided, yet when offered a loving solution, they ask, "Is that possible?" I have already stated that I am against all kinds of terrorism, including state terrorism. Indeed, Israel has done some wrongful acts, every country has. There are evil people in every society. But if you put evil aside and ally with the good, then you would weaken the influence of evil. My prayers and efforts are for the weakening of the evil. 

18. Why do you meet some allegedly suspicious figures such as Freemasons and receive accolades from them? What is the message you want to deliver? Are you a member of the Freemasonry clubs?

Freemasonry is a very old organization that has been around for 12,000 years. It was also present in the period of Prophet Solomon (as). As you know, the meaning of the word "mason" is stone builders, that is, stonemasons. It is known that Prophet Solomon (as) employed many stonemasons. Freemasons are a group that plays an active role in world politics. It is very important to spread Islam and explain the Qur'an in such a group. I have a 33rd degree Masonic diploma. But I’ve never been to a Masonic Lodge, nor did I attend any Masonic ceremony. The Freemasons who visited me gave me the diploma during the live broadcast. This happened before the eyes of my viewers, during a live broadcast. After that, we had conferences about the miracles of the Qur'an and the truths of faith in Masonic Lodges. Many Freemasons started praying. Similarly, I'm also in touch with the Knights Templars. I believe that Freemasons will also play an important role in the reign and spreading of Islam in this century. 

19. What are the challenges that encounter Muslim nations or the Ummah in the time being?

The most urgent need of Muslims is to adhere to the Qur'an and internalize and practice the Qur'an's loving, enlightened, compassionate, modern, high-quality, well-mannered, classy, ​​artistic and embracing spirit. Today, the shattering of the Islamic world has turned Muslims into easy pickings. Almost all the weapons developed are first tried on the Islamic world; dozens of civilian Muslims are martyred every day, and even their names remain unknown. It is always Muslims who are drowning in the Mediterranean, who are the targets of daily bombing runs, who are attacked by drones while praying, celebrating in wedding ceremonies or when on the road. Muslim lives are considered insignificant and because most of the Muslims do not consider themselves as significant, they have lost their self-respect. The only way to regain this self-esteem is to embrace the Qur'an and unite around a spiritual leader as God revealed in the Qur'an. If the Islamic world unites and bases this unity on the enlightenment and the modernity of the Qur'an, nothing will remain difficult to achieve for Muslims. 

20. What's the version of Islamic jurisprudence you follow?

I am a Hanafi. We all have to adhere to a sect until the declared appearance of the Mahdi. Insha'Allah, when the Mahdi appears, all the sects will be abolished, and religion will return to its essence just as it was in our Prophet's (saas) era. 

21. What do you think of the Shia-Sunni conflict; I mean Islamic sectarianism in the region? And how can the Islamic nations put an end to it?

Sunnis, Shiites, Wahhabis are all pure, saintly Muslims. Making people of the same Book, the same Prophet and the same Qibla turn against one another is one of the biggest schemes of the British Deep State. Creating conflict between Muslims who are brothers and sisters under the Qur'an means pitting brothers and sisters against each other. They are inciting this conflict through British Shiism and British Sunnism. The British Shiites despise Sunnis and the British Sunnis despise Shiites. They consider it an obligation to kill the members of the other denomination. Muslims should never accept such an evil mentality. Our God, our Qibla and the Prophet are one and the same. It is foolish behavior for brothers and sisters to try and oppress each other. Sunnis and Shiites should unite immediately. We should eliminate Sunni and Shiite enmity and unite as brothers and sister. The prominent figures of both sides coming together, giving speeches of brotherhood and performing prayers together would give a wonderful message to the whole world. Thus, the British Deep State would lose one of its major trump cards. 

22. What's your assessment of Turkish foreign policy, especially with Egypt?

Turkey should pursue an all-embracing policy towards Egypt. This should be the case not only for Egypt, but for all of Turkey's relations with other countries. Turkey cannot favor a country, sect or group over another. In the name of equity and fairness, she should keep in contact with all groups and views, have a friendly approach to all, and strive towards creating an atmosphere where all can live in harmony. I hope that Egyptian-Turkish relations will improve in the short term. As you know, Turkish-Russian relations also ran into various problems. We’ve had some disputes with Iran as well. I persistently called the Turkish government to resolve these problems and establish cordial relations. Thanks be to God, our efforts came to fruition. Now Egypt is the next, insha'Allah. Comprising of people of all beliefs and views, the Egyptians are a immaculate, pure nation, whom we consider as our precious brothers and sisters. It is my wish that our relations with Egypt will be restored to its former cordiality as soon as possible, or better yet, developed to an even better state.

23. Do you believe, as many Turkish politicians do, of the ‘Ottoman Caliphate renaissance’ as it was in the old days? Do you believe Ottoman glory will dominate the whole region all over again?

If the longing for the Ottoman era implies unity among Muslims, freedom of life and worship for Jews and Christians, and the prevalence of glory and arts, it is indeed great. However, while referring to the Ottoman Empire, it would not be right to accept everything they did as sacred and correct; this would not be right. The Ottomans too made many mistakes. What we currently desire is not an Ottoman Empire that repeats the mistakes of the past, but the reign of an enlightened, modern and high quality spirit based on the Qur'an, that is Islam as described in the Qur’an, over the Islamic lands. 

24. What do you think of Turkish Kurdish ethnicity being autonomous in a new "Kurdistan"?

Kurds are wonderful people. They are honorable, modest, hospitable and pious. Many people do not appreciate Kurds as their due, but they actually are the beautiful ornaments and the richness of the world. There is no such issue as Kurdish-Turkish discrimination in Turkey. A great many Kurds hold important posts in the military, governmental and intelligence organizations in Turkey. Turkey has had many Kurdish presidents and ministers. Kurds are our brothers and sisters; they vehemently object to the prospect of separation, secession. The PKK's taking the floor in the name of the Kurdish people is nothing but a deception. The PKK is not concerned with the Kurds. On the other hand, it is out of the question for the Kurds - a devoutly pious people- to embrace the PKK terror organization. The PKK wrench support from a part of the Kurdish population through threats, terrorism, compulsion and intimidation. Their true aim is to found a red communist Kurdistan along the lines of Marxist-Leninist ideology. This plan was orchestrated and is backed by the British Deep State. This goal, which means to establish an equivalent to North Korea in the Middle East, poses a grave threat not only to Turkey, but all the regional countries. The sinister plan is to establish a Communist state in the heart of the Islamic world, in between the Turkish and Muslim lands, and to utilize this entity to massacre Muslims en masse. Turkey will never allow the implementation of this plan.

25. What are your hobbies, Mr. Oktar?

I enjoy painting. I have done many oil and water-color paintings. Our fellow viewers who would like to check out examples of my paintings can see at our website, I also take great pleasure from activities that involve animals and nature. I have been making daily live broadcasts for some eight years, which lasts three or four hours on average. I use all of my time with the intent of gaining the most of God's good pleasure. I do not make any distinctions, like a 'social life' or 'religion.' Islam encompasses the entirety of my life.