We recently discussed a fictitious transitional form fossil that has hit the headlines in Darwinist publications. Readers will recall how all Darwinist publications across the world published detailed pictures concerning this fossil, before the life form involved had even been announced, before the discovered parts had been shown to the public and before any information about it had been provided. They probably thought that propaganda before the fossil was unveiled would create excitement and arouse curiosity, or else would be more credible. Our reply to these false claims set out how the idea in question was mere speculation and that we would provide a more detailed response once detail concerning the discovery was available. There follows statements about the fossil published in Science magazine following wide-ranging conjecture and the invalidity of the Darwinist claims on the subject.
Before moving on to these statements, we need to remind ourselves of the truly important fact about Darwinism, which is that Darwinists are unable to account for the formation of even a single protein. Every time that Darwinists appear on TV programs or make statements to the press about a fragment of bone, we need to remember that they have no explanation even for how a single protein came into being or for the beginning of life. As we have already made clear, the existence of one protein is essential in order for another protein to form, and this is a greatest evidence that all the speculation in the name of evolution is false. Evolution has vanished right at the beginning of life, in the face of its smallest building block.
Australopithecus Sediba Deceptions from Darwinists Unable to Account for a Single Protein
The fossil, found in the Malapa Cave in South Africa in 2008, consisted of fragments from two different living things. Darwinists claimed that the fragments represented “a complete skeleton.” The fact was, however, that these fossils actually consisted of a single skull and a few bones from two different living things. To put it more clearly, there was no complete skeleton of the kind Darwinists claimed. But for Darwinists who had no qualms about producing a wide-ranging reconstruction of a living thing in a social habitat on the basis of a single little finger fossil, these bones were more than enough for plentiful speculation.
Darwinists Use the Homo habilis Deception at Every Available Opportunity
Even though they are unable to account for a single protein, Darwinists still have this famous claims about Homo habilis. Darwinists generally take fossils from an extinct ape and immediately declare them to belong to Homo habilis. Although nothing about the fossils show it is anything other than an extinct ape, Darwinists try to make the best use of this extinct fossil, at least in their own eyes, and to make it a part of their speculation. The most convincing way to do this is to say, “the fossil’s arms, legs, skull volume, size, height, in short all its characteristics, show it to be a ape, but it still probably walked upright.” In this way, every extinct ape fossil is “hypothesized” to have walked upright and the fossil is immediately turned into “Homo habilis”, in other words our mythical “ape-like ancestor,” by Darwinists.
The same applies to the fossil in question here. Darwinists are unable to locate these fossils, which they estimate to be 1.78 to 1.95 million years old, anywhere in their own invented scenarios. It is for that reason that they keep changing their stories. But the fact is that these bone fragments genuinely belong to an extinct ape. What Darwinists should really be worried about is this: the fossils in their possession belong to perfectly formed living things. This perfection is one of the main reasons for the collapse of Darwinism. All the 300 million fossils excavated so far belong to perfect life forms with a flawless anatomy and extraordinary symmetry. That means they are not life forms evolving through mutation, turning into one another, developing randomly and evolving by chance. The fossil record has been telling Darwinists this for the last 150 years. The way that Darwinists are trying to present this perfect fossil that totally demolished the theory of evolution as evidence for it is extraordinarily astonishing and, for them, humiliating.
The new furore over Autrolapithecus sediba embarrasses even Darwinist scientists
But things are now different. The terrible disappointment suffered by Darwinists under the impact of the works of Harun Yahya, which reveal how all branches of science refute evolution, has taken place before the eyes of the world. The old Darwinist tricks no longer work. That is why Darwinists have lately been resorting to the “furore” method. The adherents of evolution who tried and failed with all this demagoguery and propaganda are now trying to remain on the agenda by kicking up a storm.
Darwinists were badly mistaken when they thought that the furore technique, which ended in disappointment with Ida and disgraced them with Ardi, could achieve success with this new fossil. Because all the fuss just humiliated Darwinists while at the same time felling scientists in their own ranks. Their tricks have now reached such a wretched state that Darwinist claims are even being criticized by Darwinist scientists.
Darwinist Scientists’ Statements Regarding the Invalidity of the Claims of the Recently Discovered Fossil
The strongest reaction to Darwinists who heralded a perfect, extinct ape fossil in the words “we expect it walked upright,” even though all its physical characteristics showed the exact opposite, came from Darwinist scientists ashamed of all this illogical fanfare.
Bill Jungers, from Stony Brook University in New York, said that the fossil in question had nothing to do with Homo habilis and described it as another perfect ape.
Michael Cherry said this in a report in Nature News: “The researchers’ suggestion that the fossils represent a transitional species in human evolution, sitting between Australopithecus and Homo species, has been criticized by other researchers as overstated.” [3]
Why Do Darwinists Deceive People Despite Knowing the Truth?
Darwinists are perfectly well aware that the fossil in question is an extinct species of ape and has nothing to do with the false idea of evolution. What they are doing is to misrepresent the facts. They do this for Darwinism, which they have embraced for various ideological reasons, despite knowing it is all a fraud. But there is now something they need to bear in mind. People who used to respect the title of scientist and think that what they said had some scientific value are now amazed by this empty posturing on the part of Darwinists. They are amazed to see how they are still trying to prop up a collapsed theory and why they hold conferences and make statements to the press, as if historic events had never happened.
Allah says this in His verses:
And worship, instead of Allah, things that have no control over their provision from the heavens or earth in any way, and are themselves completely impotent? Do not try to make metaphors for Allah. Allah knows and you do not know. (Surat an-Nahl, 73-74)