A response to the claim that ”nobody objects to scientific theories, only to evolution”

Darwinists maintain that nobody ever questions quantum theory or Einstein’s claims, and that the only objections in the world are to evolution. By saying that, the Darwinists in question are trying to persist in their policy of depicting Darwin and evolution as a supposedly wronged and innocent victim.

The Darwinists in question are in fact well aware of the reason for the objections to evolution. The reason for the objection to evolution is that while other theories are backed up and corroborated by scientific evidence, evolution is a fraud not supported by even a single piece of scientific evidence.

The reason for the objection to evolution is that, despite being the worst scientific fraud in history, its teaching has been imposed in schools for 150 years and it has been defended, again by imposition, in all institutions of state.

The reason for the objection to evolution is that it is imposed, not with science and evidence, but through the tyranny of the Darwinist dictatorship, with anger, threats, hatred, hooligan behavior and fraud.

The reason for the objection to evolution is that although they are unable to account for how even a single protein might have formed by chance, mutations can never give rise to evolution, it has been proved that not a single transitional fossil exists and a vast body of scientific evolution has demolished evolution, evolution is still depicted as fact in newspaper headlines and attempts are made to suppress objections to evolution.

The reason for the objection to evolution is that it suggests the idea that human beings are nothing more than animals, thus making them irresponsible, aimless, uncaring, loveless and disloyal, as well as full of anger. It portrays conflict, racism, bloodshed, slaughter and war as legitimate and has led to the deaths of more than 350 million people.

The reason for the objection to evolution is that it is an ideology, a pagan religion, developed in opposition to the creative artistry of our Almighty Lord, the Great and Glorious Creator of the worlds, all things and all beauty, encourages people and societies in the direction of irreligion, turns them into animals predisposed to immorality and murder and gives rise to degenerate societies.

Evolution is a scourge that all rational people should object to, refute and silence. Wide-ranging measures must be taken against this plague and whole societies must be purged of this scourge that inflicts pain, suffering and leads to war and conflict, as a matter of great urgency.

Such objection is becoming even more intense in countries that are beginning to become aware that evolution enjoys no scientific backing. Turkey and the USA head the list, despite all the efforts being made by Darwinists.