In its 27 September, 2003, edition, New Scientist carried an article called ?Relic Hints at Primal Force.? This article added further speculation to the fantasy that life began with natural phenomena and coincidences.

In its 27 September, 2003, edition, New Scientist carried an article called “Relic Hints at Primal Force.” This article added further speculation to the fantasy that life began with natural phenomena and coincidences.

The report in New Scientist described an enzyme existing in modern bacteria and which draws energy from a molecule known as pyrophosphate, and claimed that this enzyme could have supplied the necessary energy requirement at the so-called chance beginning of life. It is evident, however, that this claim provides no support for the thesis that life began by chance. As noticed, the existence of an enzyme is referred to in this scenario. Yet New Scientist never once touched on the subject of how this enzyme could have emerged by chance. The reason for this is clear: there is no possibility that it could have done so. The evolutionist geologist William Stokes admits the impossibility of a protein (or enzyme) coming into being by chance in these terms:

… it [protein] would not occur during billions of years on billions of planets, each covered by a blanket of a concentrated watery solution of the necessary amino acids. (W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, Nashville, Thomas Nelson Co., 1991, p. 305)

As we have seen, New Scientist has begun covering up a number of impossibilities regarding its scenarios based entirely on imagination. Furthermore, the origin of the enzyme in question is not the only problem which New Scientist, so devoted to the dogma that life emerged by chance, needs to overcome. There are a number of unsolvable difficulties facing the materialist/naturalist theses regarding the origin of life. We advise New Scientist to cease defending superstitions regarding the origin of life and to accept the fact that this subject can only be accounted for in terms of intelligent design and the fact that God has created all living things.

For more detailed information on the unsolvable difficulties facing scenarios regarding the chance beginnings of life, see