Kirghizstan’ former Prime Minister and Social Democratic Party Leader Almazbek Atambayev who is now running for presidential elections expressed that politicians believing in God is an advantage for a country. During the interview with Middle East news portal, Atambayev held Turkey and Russia as the model countries.

“Being democratic and secular is a must while administrating a state. Besides that, faith in God brings well-being. A person, who believes in Allah, never dares to steal. Do you know why Allah helps Russia and Turkey? It’s because, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin always visit church and Turkish President Abdullah Gül is very careful to pray in mosque.” expressed Atambayev.

Atambayev emphasized that he is a man of faith and declared; “Yes, I am a religious person. I believe in God. There is only one God both for Christians and Muslims to believe in.”